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Histrico da Lista
  • [FUG-BR] FreeRadius 3.0.11
  • Re: [FUG-BR] FreeRadius 3.0.11
  • Re: [FUG-BR] FreeRadius 3.0.11
  • Re: [FUG-BR] FreeRadius 3.0.11
  • [FUG-BR] Kopete + WebCamd
  • Re: [FUG-BR] Kopete + WebCamd
  • [FUG-BR] ATENCAO - Regras da Lista - LEMBRETE
  • [FUG-BR] Dvida com roteamento

  • Alertas em Ports
  • phpmyfaq -- cross-site request forgery vulnerability
  • libtasn1 -- denial of service parsing malicious DER certificates
  • squid -- multiple vulnerabilities
  • ansible -- use of predictable paths in lxc_container
  • proftpd -- vulnerability in mod_tls

  • Por bsdinfo
  • FreeBSD 10.2 ? Sistema para Backup com Raiz em RAID 1 (mirror) e Dados em RAID 10 (mirror+stripe)
    Fazia um tempo que eu no postava um artigo mas recentemente fiz um Servidor de Backup e nele eu tinha apenas 4 HDs de 2TB cada. Queria aproveitar o espao em disco e ao mesmo tempo fazer algo seguro. No preciso dizer que Backup algo extremamente srio e no podemos bobear com isso. Nesse […]

  • FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE na reta final.
    Hoje saiu um anuncio do Glen Barber sobre o fechamento da RELEASE em cima da reviso286666 na rvore releng/10.2. Coincidncia que calhou o 666 nessa reviso. rsrsrsr Ainda no oficial mas quem tiver impaciente para usar, s atualizar seu /usr/src para releng/10.2, compilar e instalar o novo sistema. Como sempre muito cuidado na […]

  • Fim de vida para a rvore 8 do FreeBSD
    Para os sysadmins de planto, que ainda tem servidores rodando FreeBSD 8.x, saiu recentemente a data de EOL do mesmo. Aps essa data o sistema no ter mais manuteno e atualizaes de segurana, o que o tornar invivel para uso na Internet. Deixar muita saudade porque foi uma das grandes verses desse sistema. Inclusive na […]

  • Por freebsdnews
    PCBSD 7.0.1 disponvel para download PDF Imprimir E-mail
    Por Felippe de Meirelles Motta   

    Active ImageNesta terça-feira foi lançado o PCBSD 7.0.1 (fibonacci), e como grande novidade é sua versão também disponível para arquitetura 64-bits, abaixo mostro as principais novidades:

    • Versão para amd64;
    • Escrita em partições NTFS;
    • Atualização para o KDE 4.1.2;
    • Plugin Flash 9 (linux) como padrão;
    • Melhoras no suporte WIFI;
    • Bugs consertados no System Updater.


    Faça o download, e não deixe de ver o Changelog .

    Por lippe em 25/10/2008 21:36:37
    Sou usurio do PCBSD desde a verso 7, que se mostrava boa, porm, ainda instvel. Agora que atualizei para verso 7.0.1, estou encantado com a estabilidade do sistema, realmente foram ajustados muitos bugs que no acontecem mais. 
    Inclusive estou escrevendo e trabalhando atravs dele neste momento. :)
    Por Chamomile em 08/12/2011 11:04:13
    What a great resucore this text is.
    Por Jigs em 19/03/2012 08:01:58
    Markos / Otima materia, veio no motmneo certo pois estou passando por isso neste motmneo,e9 bem complicado quanto aos ciumes,ainda mais porque ela e9 meio pocessiva,mas tudo bem,espero que se resolva tudo ate9 o ano novo,pois ela me disse que ano que vem je1 vai estar morando aki na minha cidade(e de preferencia comigo).Gostei deste comente1rio ou ne3o: 5 0
    Explain the diagram
    Por Gabriel em 14/09/2013 23:18:37
    Explain the diagram of the inetivnon obviates the generator fuel oil by 100% and an alternative to the High Dam in the production of electricityIn this inetivnon a lot of features and most important of it, is running itself which means that is an electrical circuit closed derives its energy from it and then return to it again and through it, is the production of electricity are two things important :- first it was given to the same electrical energy in order to continue to spin and produce electricity for the same and the second of which is also taking two more branchesExternal to run two types of electricity and are (Ac) and (dc)Which gives us two types of electricity in the child) first (in the operation of electric-powered motors and a newly established in the field of cars so that fuel is the biggest obstacle in the future after the entry into force of the oil wellsOf course, in the case of manufacturing in modern cars and prove its success will change all the tracks of industries, which rely on fuels such as ships, aircraft, trains and generators of electricity, which fuel and other industries and this call it a recipe (substitute for petroleum fuel per hundred per cent) II) energy electricity regular any domestic or industrial which is the energy used by the whole world in the operation and light homes and run factories and shops, and many others in the uses of electricity and its characteristics are also lighting the desert and farmland and any place that needs energy electricity without filling Basel in shred generator works fuel and the fuel runs out or other things that hinder each person who uses fuel-powered generatorsAnd benefits that works to protect the environment from the emissions resulting from fuel which is flammable materials like gasoline, diesel and also protect the ozone layer of corrosion resulting from the exhaust also provide thousands of tonnes of iron ore, which is installed for trains, metro and buses are running electricity through the cables and the columns ferrous and save a lot of money spent on all these thingsIntroduction / Mostafa Ragab Abd Moati MohamedAddress / 4, Abdul Basit Kom El ? Alexandria- EgyptMobile number / 002/0122/0366777No. Home / 002/03/3927767Very Important note: Please apologize in writing, where I do not know English very well, I translate by Googletranslation site is foundmis-Excuse me please and thank youIn this inetivnon a lot of features and most important of it, is running itself which means that is an electrical circuit closed derives its energy from it and then return to it again and through it, is the production of electricity are two things important :- first it was given to the same electrical energy in order to continue to spin and produce electricity for the same and the second of which is also taking two more branchesExternal to run two types of electricity and are (Ac) and (dc)and this kind of energy may be the best clean alternative of current energy like oil in so many industries like modern cars,factories & old fashion electricity generator.Email:


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    ltima Atualizao ( 13/12/2008 )
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    Dicas Rpidas:

    Precisando transferir arquivo rápido via LAN? Utilize o netcat.
    servidor# nc -l PORTA > /tmp/transferido.tar.gz
    cliente# nc IP PORTA < /tmp/atransferir.tar.gz


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    FUG-BR: Desde 1999, espalhando BSD pelo Brasil.