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FreeBSD 9 como Desktop utilizando GNOME 2 PDF Imprimir E-mail
Por Felipe N. Oliva   


 Trago aqui um rápido tutorial para a instalação do FreeBSD 9 como Desktop, utilizando o GNOME 2, tudo pelo ports.

É pré-requisito o sistema já instalado e atualizado assim como o ports.

Mãos na massa.

Instalando portmaster para agilizar o processo:

cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster && make install clean

Se você utiliza csh como shell padrão vai precisar executar "rehash" para reconhecer o comando do novo programa instalado.

Instalando xorg e gdm:

portmaster -d x11/xorg x11/gdm

Instalando GNOME 2 (eu recomendo a instalação mais limpa com gnome2-lite):

cd /usr/ports/x11/gnome2-lite

make config-recursive

make install clean

Após a instalação de tudo, vamos as configurações finais:

echo 'moused_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

echo 'gdm_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

echo 'gnome_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

echo 'hald_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

echo 'dbus_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf

echo 'exec gnome-session' >> ~/.xsession

Adicione ao fstab (segundo a documentação em freebsd.org é necessário para o correto funcionamento do GNOME):

proc /proc procfs rw 0 0

Depois monte:

mount proc

Configurando o XORG

Xorg -configure

cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Agora com tudo pronto, você tem a opção de iniciar cada serviço na mão ou reiniciar a maquina (reboot).

Obs: De uma boa limpada no kernel e deixe redondo pra sua placa de video e som.

Aqui eu levei 6 horas pra deixar funcionando.

Recomendo a ativação da compatibilidade binária com Linux para por exemplo utilizar o skype.


Duvidas e sugestões:

Felipe N. Oliva

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Por cleiton em 16/05/2012 11:10:47
legal o tutorial , mais porque no colocar o fluxbox ? ficaria mais funcional ainda , mais de qualquer forma parabens pelo howto
Por Felipe N. Oliva em 24/05/2012 15:18:28
Porque este um how to de "FreeBSD 9 como Desktop utilizando GNOME 2", kkk. Seria uma boa voc adaptar o how to para o fluxbox, o que acha?
Por Asia em 20/07/2012 00:33:20
I did a preflight (took me 3 tries to get a good iso) on vBox over OpenIndiana with a ZFS scmhee x64 with the 9.0x64 ?test?. With or without entropy and using all defaults, the cursor hangs and sticks in the center of the first screen. I am going to put a btrfs on vBox with openSUSE real quick (i586) and see if it goes better over that. I find a lot of times I have best luck ?pre-seeding? my HD (vBox or even Mac HD) with a working ext4 scmhee Non-Debian. If I run over things with the PC-BSD 9.0 regular that are ext4 laid down with Arch Bang or openSUSE things look reala0good. I kind of had the same issues before too trying to install PC-BSD 8x on up to now if my underlying slice scmhee is akin to what I am trying to do again. Like if I bungle up an install with a ZFS, and try to do it again with PC-BSD in ZFS, it hangs. So, my best luck has been to run an quick ext4 with Arch Core just to get a bootable system underneath my next PC-BSD attempt. Also ?entropy? (I sure hope I am using this word right?), I have to try to keep a little action on the touch pad mouse to keep the cursor away from dead center, or it likes to hang/stick there, and I have to Crash to get out ofa0it.Sorry to blast all this on your site, but I do not see many others doing it. I do want to get this working on my HD, so if it works good over ext4 which is my hunch, I will wipe my Mac HD using Arch Core x64. If this btrfs looks sweet, I will use openSUSE to wipe my HD and lay a btrfs to Install PC-BSD in ZFS (Without GPT* stupid me, I have used GPT with ZFS in the past over and over on my little 320GB HD Hitachi, glad you guys slid it over to the Advanced area. The regular PC-BSD, if I hover my mouse over the GPT place, it pops out saying for newer systems or something, so I always checked it.).Anyway, so far I find a lot of difference with ?success? getting PC-BSD up on my MacBook Pro on HD or even vBox depends on which OS is riding under it, and which partition scmhee its on. A new PC-BSD install attempt does not like a previous FreeBSD or PC-BSD under it, hates OpenIndiana (never once got it to ride over OpenIndiana). In regards HFS with OS X on my Mac, the last 9.0 Live PC-BSD ran like the wind, but no Wifi, which I am dependent on. That is why I am anxious to try it again, if this gets on my HD with a Wifi, and I can get Internet, I can tweak on it from there and try to get all the other gadgets going.Thanks for your patience. Takes about 16 hours to get a 3.5G iso downloaded here; if it makes it intact!GeorgGot my Crash Helmet on, no worries! See you on the othera0side!
Por Renan em 25/09/2012 03:14:09
Meant to add my email if you have any comments or suggsetions, or want me to pull thea0video.My personal goal in the meanwhile is to continue learning FreeBSD from the ground up. My IT mentor in Canada suggested I practice with Slackware to get a better understanding how all this stuff works. So I do both, very neophyte like.But getting better I think with much practice. If I could afford better PAPER MANUALS (I have some screen missing on the right, one whole inch of the whole vertical missing. Can not see it in the video) and have them in hand, I think I would do better. I grew up in a paper world, getting it on the screen is not the same for me.a0Sorry.Our ISP too is rated the SLOWEST in the world according to Speed Test. It took three tries and over 48 hours to finally get a good iso. Much of my failure in configuring a system is in the upgrade/update process. Few Mirrors do not kick me out when I drop below 10kbps. I average 2-12kbps with the fastest I seen a few spikes hit 72kbps. Rolling releases like Arch are near impossible. One of these days I hope to buy all the DVD?s from OSDisk and get some paper manuals, and get a full blown FreeBSD going. In the meanwhile, its a dream to be able to just slide in a PC-BSD and get flying and away from the pits of OSa0X.The end goal is to be able to build a Terminal based Window Manager type thing. Like a fully interactive talking and listening Emacs that tutors with commands, and also fetches other stuff through verbal commands. I am tired of Tiles and Windows; I would prefer a massive Terminal all decked out in one place than 200Gigs of flashing lights and GUI stuff. I also want to be able to build a Software Defined Radio completely on FreeBSD. I am still naive, but I think FreeBSD can do it all once knowna0well.Tschus!Georg:
Por Raimundo em 23/10/2012 11:39:31
to look in /tmp for dot-message-name.Pkg_add ?nr gnome2-lite reveals neorumus missing dependencies ? at the server end. Would someone please look into this ? I?d like to be able to install gnome2 ASAP.On initial install using UFS, wizard did the detect job correctly, said bye, be right back ? went out for a beer, never camea0back.I did a vesa boot after that; still missing.Next boot worked ? got a phone call, let the boot run, came back, clicked OK for wizard work ? and everything just kepta0going.I have no explanation for why I now have a working system.A Flash drive (usb 2.0) is hung in some usb/dbus pending thingy that won?t resolve itself ? no time out value or no check to see if timeout posted ? for whatever has caused this, is mya0guess.I haven?t tried to play anya0media.Flash doesn?t play ? missing plugin message at hulu?.com when I tried to flash. I have medai on the flash driver, but .?.I suppose this flash thing is related to something Linux not installing or installing incorrectly.I?ve got a 64-bit linux application that also doesn?t run; neither did the 32 bit version ? both fail on elf branding errors ? 64 bit error message is:./celtxELF binary type ?0? not known../run-mozilla.sh: ./celtx-bin: Exec format errorSounds to me like linux-fc10 install is missing something ? this occurred on pc-bsd 9.0 stable too.That?s it for now; great job, the driver/drm chain works fine fora0me.
Instalao FreeBSD em maquina virtual
Por Jonathan em 28/03/2013 10:46:37
Bom Dia. 
Segui seu tutorial para instalao do FreeBSD, no entanto em uma mquina virtual para teste. 
Com isso meu teclado s reconhece e as vezes ainda, a opo de login, consigo colocar minha senha com sucesso, no entanto aps logar perco acesso ao teclado, existe mais algo que precise configurar ?
Problemas na inicializao do X
Por Eike Luiz Moraes em 08/08/2013 23:58:56
Ol, estou usando o FreeBSD 9.1 e estou com vrios problemas relacionados ao X, quanto a inicializao, pois quando vou iniciar com startx depois do xorg e gnome2 instalado, e mostra a mensagem que no consegue achar o screen, estou operando em uma tv philips como tela claro, com um corei7 de 6gb de ram, obrigado me ajude.
For the last few yea
Por Best em 14/09/2013 20:49:27
For the last few years I've been striving to use as much open sucore software as I can it's not a new thing I'll have a look at OpenWengo. Given it's open sucore and has already built on Linux AMD64 there is a chance at least that it'll build on FreeBSD
I'd like to see some
Por Mario em 15/09/2013 10:13:58
I'd like to see some investigation about the 7zip benahmcrk to see if it can be reproduced. As I have a machine with both freebsd and dragonfly and linux mint on it, I might be able to investigate a bit, although FreeBSD is amd64 and dragonfly is i386.If it's the program itself and the version is identical, then it's a valid benahmcrk to me. I'm not so quick to dismiss it, at least until more is understood about it.


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