[FUGSPBR] FSTAB - Dump; Pass

Alexandre D. Bensi (aledon) alexandre em dep.ufscar.br
Qui Abr 4 09:12:39 BRT 2002

Bom dia Ronan!

 Responde sim :)
 Estava na esperança que isso implicaria na performance, mas tudo bem :)

Valeu amigo!

     at the same time to utilize parallelism available in the hardware. 
     the sixth field is not present or is zero, a value of zero is
     and fsck(8) will assume that the filesystem does not need to be
Alexandre D. Bensi (Aledon)
System/Network Administrator
Icq Uin WORK/HOME: 118731900/129462580
E-Mail: echo alexandre dep ufscar br | sed 's/ /@/;s/ /./g'
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