[FUGSPBR] Squid + DNS + Underline
kassiano em iscc.com.br
Ter Abr 9 00:34:44 BRT 2002
Oi cara
Recompila com a opção "enable-underscores".
Why does Squid say: ``Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not
See the above question. The underscore character is not valid for hostnames.
Some DNS resolvers allow the underscore, so yes, the hostname might work
fine when you don't use Squid.
To make Squid allow underscores in hostnames, re-run the configure script
with this option:
% ./configure --enable-underscores ...
and then recompile:
% make clean
% make
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexandre" <asaugusto em fazenda.sp.gov.br>
To: <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>; <squid-br em yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:54 PM
Subject: [FUGSPBR] Squid + DNS + Underline
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