[FUGSPBR] ALERTA do CAIS - Como Atualizar ?

Ivan Carlos Ricci ricci em process.com.br
Qui Abr 18 12:21:32 BRT 2002

Prezados amigos,

Recebemos o alerta do CAIS sobre vunerabilidades no FBSD 4.5 RELEASE.
Como faço p/ atualizar meu sistema p/ a versão 4.5 STABLE?
Neste alerta(abaixo) mostra também a atualização dos patchs necessários, não
estou conseguindo fazê-lo.
Alguém poderia nos ajudar ?


Ivan Carlos Ricci - Webmaster
ivan em process.com.br
Process / Net Site
Fone: (16) 282-7949
Fax: (16) 282-5304
FreeBSD - The Power of Server

-----------Mensagem do CAIS ------------

O CAIS esta' repassando o alerta divulgado pelo FreeBSD, Inc.,
FreeBSD-SA-02:20 Security Advisory, Syncache/Syncookies denial of service,
que trata de uma falha na implementacao do SYNCACHE/SYNCOOKIES. Devido a
essa falha, trafego TCP/IP legitimo pode afetar o funcionamento do sistema
operacional, deixando-o inoperante.

Sistemas afetados:

.. FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
.. FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE apos 14/12/2001 19:53:01 UTC
.. FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE anterior a data de correcao.

A correcao para tais falhas foi disponibilizada em 20/02/2002 16:48:39 UTC
(RELENG_4), 21/02/2002 16:38:39 UTC (RELENG_4_5, 4.5-RELEASE-p1)


Existe uma maneira de contornar o problema identificado no syncookies,
desabilitando-o usando sysctl, como root:

# sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.syncookies=0

Correcoes Disponiveis:

(1) Faca o upgrade do sistema vulneravel para 4.5-STABLE ou linhagem
RELENG_4_5 apos a data de correcao.

(2) Aplique o patch no seu sistema. Faca o download correspondente a
partir de:


E' importante lembrar que o patch e' aplicavel apenas em sistemas

O CAIS recomenda fortemente aos administradores de sistemas FreeBSD que
atualizem seus sistemas urgentemente.


#                                                              #
# cais em cais.rnp.br     http://www.cais.rnp.br                  #
# Tel. 019-37873300    Fax. 019-37873301                       #
# Chave PGP disponivel em: http://www.cais.rnp.br/cais-pgp.key #

FreeBSD-SA-02:20                                            Security
                                                            FreeBSD, Inc.

Topic:          syncache/syncookies denial of service

Category:       core
Module:         net
Announced:      2002-04-16
Credits:        Alan Judge <Alan.Judge em eircom.net>
                Dima Ruban <dima em FreeBSD.org>
Affects:        FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE
                FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE after 2001-12-14 19:53:01 UTC
                FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE prior to the correction date
Corrected:      2002-02-20 16:48:49 UTC (RELENG_4)
                2002-02-21 16:38:39 UTC (RELENG_4_5, 4.5-RELEASE-p1)
FreeBSD only:   YES

I.   Background

The SYN cache ("syncache") and SYN cookie mechanism ("syncookie") are
features of the TCP/IP stack intended to improve resistance to a class
of denial of service attacks known as SYN floods.

II.  Problem Description

Two related problems with syncache were triggered when syncookies were

1) When a SYN was accepted via a syncookie, it used an uninitialized
pointer to find the TCP options for the new socket.  This pointer may
be a null pointer, which will cause the machine to crash.

2) A syncache entry is created when a SYN arrives on a listen socket.
If the application which created the listen socket was killed and
restarted --- and therefore recreated the listen socket with a
different inpcb --- an ACK (or duplicate SYN) which later arrived and
matched the existing syncache entry would cause a reference to the old
inpcb pointer.  Depending on the pointer's contents, this might result
in a system crash.

Because syncache/syncookies support was added prior to the release of
FreeBSD 4.5-RELEASE, no other releases are affected.

III. Impact

Legitimate TCP/IP traffic may cause the machine to crash.

IV.  Workaround

The first issue described may be worked around by disabling syncookies
using sysctl.  Issue the following command as root:

  # sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.syncookies=0

However, there is no workaround for the second issue.

V.   Solution

1) Upgrade your vulnerable system to 4.5-STABLE or the RELENG_4_5
security branch dated after the respective correction dates.

2) To patch your present system: download the relevant patch from the
below location, and execute the following commands as root:

# fetch
# fetch

This patch has been verified to apply to 4.5-RELEASE only.

Verify the detached PGP signature using your PGP utility.

Execute the following commands as root:

# cd /usr/src
# patch -p < /path/to/patch

Recompile your kernel as described in
http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/kernelconfig.html and reboot the

VI.  Correction details

The following list contains the revision numbers of each file that was
corrected in the FreeBSD ports collection.

Path                                                             Revision

VII. References


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