[FUGSPBR] Sendmail como MX secundario
irado em subdimension.com
Dom Abr 21 12:03:53 BRT 2002
> Bom dia amigos.
> Ele sempre me da erro e me mostra a seguinte mensagem:
> 553 5.3.5 mx-01.softinfo.com.br. config error: mail loops
> back to me (MX problem?)
> 554 5.3.5 Local configuration error
:===== begin
Timothy Luoma wrote:
> <snip> > "config error: mail loops back to me (MX
problem?)" >
> I've tried dozens of things over the past couple hours,
have probably > made it impossible for me t see the (I hope)
simple mistake I am figuring > someone here can point out to
<snip> > Any help appreciated, email especially appreciated
> >
TjL : Try,... You have asked mail to the domain (e.g.,
domain.net) to be
forward ed to a specific host (in this case,
by usin g an MX record, but the relay machine doesn't
itself as domain.net. Add domain.net to /etc/sendmail.cw
(if you
are using FEATURE(use_cw_file)) or add "Cw domain.net" to
configuration file.
:===== end
970216211646.27509A-100000 em kira&rnum=1&prev=/groups?q=sendma
só fiz isso em honra do seu bom dia. Procure mais (se
no google.
irado furioso com tudo
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