[FUGSPBR] Drivers da NVidia para FreeBSD?
nilson em forge.com.br
Qua Dez 18 13:19:29 BRST 2002
Vai ser pra FreeBSD também segundo noticia na slashdot:
"nVidia has decided to include Linux and FreeBSD in their Unified Driver Architecture
and offer more tech support. Sounds like great news for Linux developers and users
if Linux drivers are released at the same time as Windows drivers. (The NV30 emulation
driver for Linux was made available about 3 months later than for Windows) The big push
is probably from big studios that use Linux tools such as Film Gimp."
Nilson Debatin
GrupoW Net/SysAdmin
======= At 2002-12-18, 10:57:00 you wrote: =======
>Linux vai ser suportado no Unified Driver Architecture da NVIDIA, e pelo
>que entendi o FreeBSD também logo vai entrar nessa.
>Cesar Cardoso - Suporte Unix, OpenIT www.openit.com.br
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