[FUGSPBR] Re: [FUGSPBR] Time Zone do FreeBSD
Ricardo Campos Passanezi
riccp em ige.unicamp.br
Qui Nov 14 12:02:46 BRST 2002
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 11:37:48AM -0200, Marcio Merlone wrote:
> No, no, no, no.... o "S" significa "Standard" e o horário de verão tem a
> letra "D", que significa "Dayligth não-sei-o-quê" :)
"No, no, no, no...." again :-)))
Veja (/usr/src/share/zoneinfo/southamerica):
# Earlier editions of these tables used the North American style (e.g. ARST and
# ARDT for Argentine Standard and Daylight Time), but the following quote
# suggests that it's better to use European style (e.g. ART and ARST).
# I suggest the use of _Summer time_ instead of the more cumbersome
# _daylight-saving time_. _Summer time_ seems to be in general use
# in Europe and South America.
# -- E O Cutler, _New York Times_ (1937-02-14), quoted in
# H L Mencken, _The American Language: Supplement I_ (1960), p 466
# Earlier editions of these tables also used the North American style
# for time zones in Brazil, but this was incorrect, as Brazilians say
# "summer time". Reinaldo Goulart, a Sao Paulo businessman active in
# the railroad sector, writes (1999-07-06):
# The subject of time zones is currently a matter of discussion/debate in
# Brazil. Let's say that "the Brasilia time" is considered the
# "official time" because Brasilia is the capital city.
# The other three time zones are called "Brasilia time "minus one" or
# "plus one" or "plus two". As far as I know there is no such
# name/designation as "Eastern Time" or "Central Time".
# So I invented the following (English-language) abbreviations for now.
# Corrections are welcome!
# std dst
# -2:00 FNT FNST Fernando de Noronha
# -3:00 BRT BRST Brasilia
# -4:00 AMT AMST Amazon
# -5:00 ACT ACST Acre
> BRST e BRT são a mesma coisa, horário normal (o "S" pode ser omitido).
> BRDT é horário de verão.
Então: BRT = std = standard
BRST = dst = daylight savings time.
E dependendo da revisão do soutamerica que tiver, já tem (não sei se
isso funciona):
# (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
Rule Brazil 2000 2001 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
# Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
# <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2002/D4399.htm"></a>
Rule Brazil 2002 only - Nov 3 0:00 1:00 S
Rule Brazil 2003 max - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
# The latest decree listed above says that the following states observe DST:
# BA, DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP, TO.
# For dates after mid-2003, the above rules with TO="max" are guesses
# and are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.
Ricardo Campos Passanezi - Administrador de Rede
Chave PGP e GPG Pública em: http://www.ige.unicamp.br/~riccp
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