[FUGSPBR] Problemas com MPD

Renato Botelho renato em galle.com.br
Qua Abr 16 09:13:21 BRT 2003

Ola Pessoal,

Montei uma vpn para acesso remoto com MPD, segui o tutorial do Capriotti,
testei com um windows 2000 e funcionou perfeitamente, quando fui tentar
acessar com um win 98, ele nao acessa, dah um erro 645 e o mpd gera a saida
que eu estou mandando no fim do mail, alguem aqui usa com windows 98 e jah
enfrentou esse problema?




root em srv1:/usr/local/etc/mpd# mpd -k
Multi-link PPP for FreeBSD, by Archie L. Cobbs.
Based on iij-ppp, by Toshiharu OHNO.
mpd: pid 2840, version 3.13 (root em srv1.galle.com.br 16:31 15-Apr-2003)
[pptp0] ppp node is "mpd2840-pptp0"
Usage: set pptp self ip [port]
mpd: local IP address for PPTP is
[pptp0] using interface ng0
[pptp0:pptp0] mpd: PPTP connection from
pptp0: attached to connection with
pptp0: read: Connection reset by peer
pptp0: killing connection with
mpd: PPTP connection from
pptp0: attached to connection with
[pptp0] IFACE: Open event
[pptp0] IPCP: Open event
[pptp0] IPCP: state change Initial --> Starting
[pptp0] IPCP: LayerStart
[pptp0] IPCP: Open event
[pptp0] bundle: OPEN event in state CLOSED
[pptp0] opening link "pptp0"...
[pptp0] link: OPEN event
[pptp0] LCP: Open event
[pptp0] LCP: state change Initial --> Starting
[pptp0] LCP: LayerStart
[pptp0] device: OPEN event in state DOWN
[pptp0] attaching to peer's outgoing call
[pptp0] device is now in state OPENING
[pptp0] device: UP event in state OPENING
[pptp0] device is now in state UP
[pptp0] link: UP event
[pptp0] link: origination is remote
[pptp0] LCP: Up event
[pptp0] LCP: state change Starting --> Req-Sent
[pptp0] LCP: phase shift DEAD --> ESTABLISH
[pptp0] LCP: SendConfigReq #1
 MRU 1500
 MAGICNUM 561a1f80
pptp0-0: call cleared by peer
pptp0-0: killing channel
[pptp0] PPTP call terminated
[pptp0] IFACE: Close event
[pptp0] IPCP: Close event
[pptp0] IPCP: state change Starting --> Initial
[pptp0] IPCP: LayerFinish
[pptp0] IFACE: Close event
pptp0: closing connection with
[pptp0] bundle: CLOSE event in state OPENED
[pptp0] closing link "pptp0"...
[pptp0] device: DOWN event in state UP
[pptp0] device is now in state DOWN
[pptp0] link: CLOSE event
[pptp0] LCP: Close event
[pptp0] LCP: state change Req-Sent --> Closing
[pptp0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> TERMINATE
[pptp0] LCP: SendTerminateReq #2
[pptp0] error writing len 8 frame to bypass: Network is down
[pptp0] link: DOWN event
[pptp0] LCP: Down event
[pptp0] LCP: LayerFinish
[pptp0] LCP: state change Closing --> Initial
[pptp0] LCP: phase shift TERMINATE --> DEAD
[pptp0] device: CLOSE event in state DOWN
[pptp0] device is now in state DOWN

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