[FUGSPBR] Named Error

João Carlos Mendes Luís jonny em jonny.eng.br
Ter Abr 29 22:01:22 BRT 2003

Kassiano wrote:
> Oi Jonny
> Putz, lembro de um comando que foi passado na listas estes tempos que mostra o 
> estado das colisões..., mas não achei no histórico, alguém lembra?

netstat -i ?

> Ah, e onde tu achou os dados abaixo?

man 2 send

> []s
> Kassiano
>>O erro pode ser um desses:
>>      [ENOBUFS]          The system was unable to allocate an internal 
>>                         The operation may succeed when buffers become 
>>                         able.
>>      [ENOBUFS]          The output queue for a network interface was full.
>>                         This generally indicates that the interface has
>>                         stopped sending, but may be caused by transient 
>>                         gestion.
>>Como anda o estado da sua interface de rede?  Tem muita colisao? 
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João Carlos Mendes Luís - Networking Engineer - jonny em jonny.eng.br
"the West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values
or religion but rather by its superiority in applying organized
violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-Westerners never do."
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