[FUGSPBR] O Ponto final da historia ...
Marcelo Duarte
duarte em dq.ufscar.br
Sex Ago 8 12:37:34 BRT 2003
Para os membros da comunidade ...
"Many folks have asked about the BSD daemon's name. Contrary to a myth
first started by some advertising droid at Walnut Creek, the daemon's
name is NOT Chuck. He is very proud of the fact that he does not have a
name, he is just the BSD daemon. If you insist on a name, call him beastie."
O texto foi tirado do "The official home of the BSD Daemon."
Para os interessados em historia, segue o link :
OBS: Link referenciado pelo site oficial do FreeBSD (www.freebsd.org)
Marcelo Duarte
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