[FUGSPBR] Postfix-auth

Vitor de Matos Carvalho listas em softinfo.com.br
Qua Ago 13 10:43:47 BRT 2003


Saiu uma cera vez na Daemon News como configurar o postfix para fazer smtp-auth.



Vitor de Matos Carvalho - #5602098
Softinfo Network Administrator
Salvador - Bahia - Brazil
FreeBSD: The silent Workhorse
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marcus Grando" <marcus em corp.grupos.com.br>
To: "Grupo Brasileiro de Usuarios FreeBSD" <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [FUGSPBR] Postfix-auth

> Ola,
> Usa o smtpd.conf assim:
> pwcheck_method: saslauthd
> E ai inicializa assim o saslauthd: "saslauthd -a pam"
> No /etc/pam.conf:
> # smtp-auth
> smtp    auth    sufficient      pam_unix.so
> smtp    account required        pam_unix.so
> Abraços
> Gilliatt Borges Bastos escreveu:
> > Pessoal, já li e consegui responder minha duvida. Mas ainda estou tendo 
> > problema. 
> > Estou utilizando a opção 
> > 
> > getpwent   (All platforms)
> >                 Authenticate using the getpwent() library function. Typically
> >                 this authenticates against the local password file. See your
> >                 systems getpwent(3) man page for details.
> > 
> > Mas o postfix me apresenta um erro, alguem que já configurou a autenticaçãp 
> > com sasl, será que não pode me ajudar ?
> > 
> > Grato
> > 
> > Gilliatt
> > 
> > Em Ter 12 Ago 2003 06:48, Gilliatt Borges Bastos escreveu:
> > 
> >>Bom dia,
> >>
> >>Estou implementando autenticação no meu Postfix. Minha duvida é em relação
> >>a que método de auth utilizar no sasl.
> >>
> >>pwcheck_method: pam
> >>SASL will integrate with your system's PAM libraries, if
> >>support is compiled in, and authenticate versus the database
> >>specified by pam.  This is the only way to use services such as
> >>LDAP and RADIUS, in theory.  This may be used with PLAIN,
> >>LOGIN, and other plaintext authentication protocols.
> >>
> >>pwcheck_method: shadow
> >>SASL looks for the username and password using /etc/shadow.
> >>This means that the Postfix user must have read access to
> >>/etc/shadow.  It is recommended that you create a special group
> >>to have the group ownership of the shadow file and give the
> >>Postfix user membership in that group instead of in the regular
> >>group shadow is owned by.
> >>
> >>pwcheck_method: sasldb
> >>This method uses the /etc/sasldb database to check passwords
> >>and secrets.  You must use this method to allow DIGEST-MD5 or
> >>CRAM-MD5 ( or SCRAM-MD5 if you enabled it) authentication.
> >>Add users to this file using the saslpasswd utility.  If you
> >>have SASL 1.5.12 or later, you must add at least one set of
> >>credentials to the file to properly initialize it before it
> >>will be used.  The Postfix user needs read access to this
> >>file, and may need write access as well with pre-compiled
> >>SASL libraries.
> >>
> >>pwcheck_method: pwcheck
> >>This is an alternative to giving the Postfix user read access
> >>to the /etc/shadow file.  In theory, the pwcheck helper daemon
> >>runs as root and interfaces with the SASL library.  This is not
> >>yet adequately documented by Cyrus.
> >>
> >>De acordo com o texto ae, seria possivel varios tipos. Eu gostaria de saber
> >>se existe um meio de fazer o sasl fazer a auth do postfix com a base de
> >>usuário do Free, /etc/master.passwd.
> >>Será que existe a possibilidade ?
> >>
> >>Desde de já muito obrigado
> > 
> > 

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