[FUGSPBR] monitoramento
alexsm em uol.com.br
Sex Nov 21 14:47:50 BRST 2003
Vitor Renato Alves de Brito wrote:
>Entrando no assunto, olhei no historico e vi que pode ser feito com o
>count do ipfw. Mas o count não é cumulativo?
>Como o MRTG vai tratar isto?
>Se for cumulativo e o MRTG nao tratar isto o gráfico vai ficar só subindo
>a cada mediçao
Leitura fortemente recomendada:
"MRTG is the /M/ulti /R/outer /T/raffic /G/rapher. It shows the
bandwidth utilization over time.
The way it works can be explained rather simple. Many routers (and other
equipment) have counters in them. Read such a counter, wait for five
minutes, read the counter again. Normally the counter will have
increased by a certain amount (depending on the traffic it is counting).
This increase happened during five minutes and you therefore know the
amount of traffic that was sent through this device during that five
minutes. Network traffic is usually measured per second. If the number
calculated is divided by 300 (the amount of seconds in five minutes),
you know the amount of bytes per second.
Above paragraph describes how the /rate/ (number of bytes per second) is
calculated. The other task of MRTG is to display this in an image. This
is also not very hard to do; on the horizontal axis of the graph you can
show the time lapsed, on the vertical axis you can show the rate.
When this process is repeated you'll end up with an image showing the
rate changing over time. This is what MRTG is. Of course the way it
works isn't as simple as I described here but it comes close.(...)"
>On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Márcio Luciano Donada wrote:
>>Bom Dia,
>>você pode fazer uma regra com o ipfw + o mrtg, isso está no histórico da
>>lista bem certo, pra você contar os pacotes, que será registrado em bytes.
>>>Alguem sabe como monitorar a banda de cada ip que passa por um gateway
>>>FreeBSD usando rrdtool ou mrtg
>>>muito obrigado
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>Até mais,
>Vitor Renato Alves de Brito - System Manager
>Arte Final Provedor Internet - http://www.artefinal.com.br
>Alfenas/Lavras - Sul de Minas Gerais
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