[FUGSPBR] Fw: LiVeCD Based on FBSD Current
Giovanni P. Tirloni
gpt em tirloni.org
Ter Out 7 09:32:49 BRT 2003
http://www.x123.info/viewcvs/*checkout*/Project.LiVeBSD/Doc/Mini-How- \
----- Forwarded message from "Sebastian Yepes F. [ESN]" <esn em x123.info> -----
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 14:23:19 +0000
From: "Sebastian Yepes F. [ESN]" <esn em x123.info>
To: freebsd-current em freebsd.org
X-Mailer: Sylpheed version 0.9.6 (GTK+ 1.2.10; i386-portbld-freebsd5.1)
Subject: LiVeCD Based on FBSD Current
Hi all.
I have done a Mini-Hot-To on how to make a LiVeBSD CD it's really a Mini-How-To
because there is not much to do to make this work..
I have been abel to do a LiVeBSD FW+PF and it's working realy good..
and a mini distro with X and xfce4 and it to work ok..
What well be really nice is to have a 'linux like cloop' on BSD so we can compress
the CD..
http://www.x123.info [Coding -> ViewCVS -> LiVeBSD]
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