[FUGSPBR] dois link....

Marcelo Aldi Vera Olate mavo em tuxnuts.com.br
Qui Fev 26 09:07:06 BRT 2004

Olá Aprigio,

    Em principio a ideia e estas fazer redundância de links, a segunda opção
não deixa de ser interesante tambem...inclusive fiz algo usando natd e ipfw
so que nao deu certo... onde eu posso conseguir documentação ou ainda melhor
alguem na lista ja tem isto em pratica e poderia me da um ajuda....segue
abaixo o script do ipfw....

# Setup system for firewall service.
# Suck in the configuration variables.

if [ -r /etc/defaults/rc.conf ]; then
        . /etc/defaults/rc.conf
elif [ -r /etc/rc.conf ]; then
        . /etc/rc.conf

# Set quiet mode if requested
case ${firewall_quiet} in
                fwcmd="/sbin/ipfw -q"


# Local Variables

tun_iface=`ifconfig | grep tun | cut -d: -f1`


tun_ip_local=`ifconfig $tun_iface | grep inet | awk '{print $2}'`

route_tun_ip=`ifconfig $tun_iface | grep inet | awk '{print $4}'`

# Flush out the list before we begin.
${fwcmd} -f flush


# start natd
${natcmd} -p 8868 -dynamic -interface $net_iface
${natcmd} -p 8869 -dynamic -interface $tun_iface

# Only in rare cases do you want to change these rules

# allow local traffic
${fwcmd} add 00100 allow ip from $lan_ip to $lan_ip
${fwcmd} add 00125 allow ip from to $lan_ip
${fwcmd} add 00130 allow ip from $lan_ip to

${fwcmd} add 00140 allow all from $lan_ip to $net_ip
${fwcmd} add 00145 allow all from $net_ip to $lan_ip

${fwcmd} add 00150 pass all from any to any via lo0
${fwcmd} add 00160 deny all from any to
${fwcmd} add 00170 deny ip from to any

# stop simple incoming attempts from internet
${fwcmd} add 00200 deny tcp from any to any setup in via $tun_iface
${fwcmd} add 00250 deny tcp from any to any setup in via $net_iface

#send incoming traffic to natd
${fwcmd} add 00450 divert 8868 ip from any to any in via $net_iface
${fwcmd} add 00400 divert 8869 ip from any to any in via $tun_iface

#if flow is already going via NATD, send it back to same NATD
${fwcmd} add 00500 check-state

# send 38% of traffic to isp 1 as 600k = 38% of 1mb + 600k
${fwcmd} add 00600 prob 0.380000 skipto 700 ip from $lan_ip to any out

# remaining 62% of traffic send to isp2
${fwcmd} add 00650 skipto 900 ip from $lan_ip to any out keep-state

#nat everything that get's here, should be ok as local allowed in first
lines to go direct
${fwcmd} add 00700 divert 8868 ip from $lan_ip to any in
${fwcmd} add 00750 divert 8868 ip from $lan_ip to any out
${fwcmd} add 00900 divert 8869 ip from $lan_ip to any out
${fwcmd} add 00950 divert 8869 ip from $lan_ip to any in

#policy route to send traffic to correct isp
${fwcmd} add 02000 fwd $route_net_ip ip from $net_ip_local to any
${fwcmd} add 02500 fwd $route_tun_ip ip from $tun_ip_local to any

#break out traffic to allow accounting to show me what's going where
${fwcmd} add 30000 allow ip from any to $lan_ip
${fwcmd} add 30100 allow ip from any to any in via $tun_iface
${fwcmd} add 30200 allow ip from any to any in via $net_iface
${fwcmd} add 30300 allow ip from any to any out via $tun_iface
${fwcmd} add 30400 allow ip from any to any out via $net_iface

${fwcmd} add 65000 allow ip from any to any
#${fwcmd} add 65535 deny ip from any to any


onde esta o error aqui... ja que este script parte dele eu obtive de alguns
colegas da lista outra parte eu fiz.....



Marcelo Olate

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aprigio Neto" <aprigio em w2bnet.com.br>
To: <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 4:14 AM
Subject: Re: [FUGSPBR] dois link....

> Olá Marcelo,
> Se for um acesso da intranet, oq sair por um link, tem que retornar por
> a não ser que faça redundância de links, ai vc utilizaria os 2 ao mesmo
> tempo. Caso contrário daria pra vc fazer que um link responda acessos
> externos e outro acessos internos. Se tem alguma outra solução,
> []s
> Aprigio Neto
> On Monday 23 February 2004 00:01, Marcelo Aldi Vera Olate wrote:
> > Boa noite a todos,
> >
> >     Galera e o seguinte eu tenho duas conexões para internet um link
> > ip-validado e outra um velox de 512k, bom eu ja fiz uma leitura no
> > historico e chegue a seguinte conclusão para o script do meu ipfw.... so
> > que nao consigo fazer-lo funcionar.... o esquema eh;
> >
> > <ip_link_128> -------------|
> >
> >                                     | ----------[Firewall]
> >                                     | ------------[rede
> >
> > local]
> >
> > <ip_link_512>--------------|
> >
> > onde estou querendo que o trafego de internet de saida va pelo link_512
> > de entrada link_128..... a pergunta e possivel?
> >
> >
> > desde ja agradeço.....
> >
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> > Sair da Lista: http://lists.fugspbr.org/listinfo.cgi
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> _______________________________________________________________
> Sair da Lista: http://lists.fugspbr.org/listinfo.cgi
> Historico: http://www4.fugspbr.org/lista/html/FUG-BR/

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Historico: http://www4.fugspbr.org/lista/html/FUG-BR/

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