[FUGSPBR] Fwd: 5.x discussions should migrate to freebsd-stable

Renato Botelho rbgarga em gmail.com
Sex Nov 5 13:06:58 BRST 2004

Bom, fechando a thread "5.3-RELEASE", terminaram sim as alteracoes e
testes, e, finalmente vem aih o 5-STABLE.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott Long <scottl em freebsd.org>
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 07:23:31 -0700
Subject: 5.x discussions should migrate to freebsd-stable
To: freebsd-current <freebsd-current em freebsd.org>, freebsd-stable em freebsd.org


Now that 5.3 is about to be released (really, I mean it this time!) and
5.x is considered -STABLE, further 5.x discussions and bug reports
should migrate over to the freebsd-stable mailing list.  I know that
after 4+ years, there is probably a lot of sentimental attachment to
freebsd-current, and some of you probably have never seen a branch go
stable yet, but just like watching your kids graduate and go to college,
it's time to accept that our baby has grown up =-)

There are already a number of differences between the two branches that
make it hard to distill bug reports (ULE and GEOM, for example), so
this should be seen as a way to help continue to stabilize 5.x and also
get ready for 6.0.

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Renato Botelho
ICQ: 54596223
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