[FUGSPBR] o que vem no miniinst

Marcelo Soares ds Costa mscosta em bn.br
Seg Nov 8 17:27:10 BRST 2004

version-mini.iso Everything you need to install FreeBSD. 

version-disc1.iso Everything you need to install FreeBSD, and as many
additional third party packages as would fit on the disc.

version-disc2.iso A ``live filesystem'', which is used in conjunction
with the ``Repair'' facility in sysinstall. A copy of the FreeBSD CVS
tree. As many additional third party packages as would fit on the disc.


On Mon, 2004-11-08 at 16:41, Danilo Augusto wrote:
> Pessoal,
> O que vem no cd miniinst do free?instalação sem suporte a ambiente
> gráfico?
> valeu.

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