[FUGSPBR] (no subject)
marcela em informacao.srv.br
marcela em informacao.srv.br
Ter Nov 16 16:26:37 BRST 2004
Estou configurando meu pf.conf, num OpenBSD 3.5.
Embora tudo aparente correr bem, o redirecionamento de portas não
funciona. Não sei mais qual pode ser o motivo.
Gostaria de uma ajuda.
Segue pf.conf para análise.
Att. Marcela.
# $OpenBSD: pf.conf,v 1.27 2004/03/02 20:13:55 cedric Exp $
# See pf.conf(5) and /usr/share/pf for syntax and examples.
EXT = "rl0"
INT = "fxp0"
canguru = ""
srvmentor = ""
#scrub in
scrub in all
#NAT and redirecton rules
nat on $EXT inet from $INT to any -> ($EXT)
#HTTP redirections
rdr on $INT proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> port 3128
#pop, smtp, imap4
rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 110 -> $canguru rdr pass
on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 25 -> $canguru rdr pass on $EXT
proto tcp from any to any port 143 -> $canguru
rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 47 -> $srvmentor port 47
rdr pass on $EXT proto udp from any to any port 47 -> $srvmentor port 47
#site rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> $canguru port
rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 443 -> port 443
rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 5080 -> $canguru port
5080 rdr pass on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 5080 -> $canguru port
#SSH access is free, by port 22
pass in log quick on $EXT inet proto tcp from any to any port 22 flags
S/SA keep state pass in log quick on $EXT inet proto udp from any to any
port 22 keep state
#Filter Rules
block in log all
#Block ICMP
#block in proto icmp all
#Pass traffic to/from internal network
pass in quick on $INT all keep state
pass out quick on $INT all keep state
#Pass trafic to/from external network
pass in quick on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 143 keep state pass
in quick on $EXT proto udp from any to any port 143 keep state pass in
quick on $EXT proto tcp from any to any port 53 flags S/SA pass in quick
on $EXT proto udp from any to any port 53
#Permit outgoing on $EXT
pass out quick on $EXT all keep state
block out log all
pass in log quick on lo0 all
pass out log quick on lo0 all
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