[FUG-BR] Leitura obrigatória: [Fwd: FreeBSD Foundation Fall 2006 Fundraising Campaign]

Marcus Alves Grando marcus em corp.grupos.com.br
Quarta Dezembro 13 11:50:13 BRST 2006

Não sei se já passou por aqui... mas ai vai...

Pensem em ajudar, divulguem para suas empresas, façam a propaganda que o 
FreeBSD merece. ;)


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FreeBSD Foundation Fall 2006 Fundraising Campaign
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 12:04:09 -0600
From: Justin T. Gibbs <gibbs at scsiguy.com>
To: developers at FreeBSD.org
CC: board at FreeBSD.org

FreeBSD Developers,

The FreeBSD Foundation is starting its Fall fundraising campaign.
The success of this effort will have a large impact on our budget
for next year.  There are lots of ways the developer community can
help us meet our goal of fully funding our 2006 budget.

o Get the word out!

    The FreeBSD Foundation relies heavily on word of mouth to promote
    its efforts.  Mention the FreeBSD Foundation when you encounter
    our users and contributors.

o Brush up on facts about the FreeBSD Foundation.

    The best way to increase the visibility of the FreeBSD Foundation
    is to talk about what it does and why supporting it is vital to
    FreeBSD's success.  Did you know:

    o It costs the Foundation aproximately $20,000 a year in legal fees
      just to safeguard the project's intellectual property.

    o Our efforts span the globe.  We've spent over $15,000 sponsoring
      BSDCAN, EuroBSDCON, and AsiaBSDCON and another $17,000 in travel
      grants to insure our developer community was present to make the
      most of these events. (Note these numbers include fourth quarter
      spending and so are a little higher than those in our last published
      profit and loss statement).

    o Almost half of the FreeBSD Foundation's budget targets funded
      development projects.

o Talk to your employer.

    Does your company benefit from technology developed by the FreeBSD
    community?  Supporting the FreeBSD Foundation is an excellent way
    to insure continued inovation that is released under the liberal
    terms of the BSD license.

o Tell us your FreeBSD success story.

    Help us make our case to others.  Do you know of a novel use of
    FreeBSD?  A product made possible through the use of FreeBSD
    technology?  A successful deployment of FreeBSD servers?  Tell
    us about it so we can promote these story on our website and
    when soliciting for funds.

With your help I'm certain we'll have a very successful drive.
You can monitor our progress by looking at the thermometer on the
FreeBSD Foundation's home page: www.FreeBSDFoundation.org.

Thanks for your support!


Justin T. Gibbs
The FreeBSD Foundation
This mail is for the internal use of the FreeBSD project committers,
and as such is private. This mail may not be published or forwarded
outside the FreeBSD committers' group or disclosed to other unauthorised
parties without the explicit permission of the author(s).

Marcus Alves Grando
marcus(at)corp.grupos.com.br  |  Grupos Internet S/A
   mnag(at)FreeBSD.org         |  FreeBSD.org

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