Aristeu Gil Alves Jr aristeu.jr em gmail.com
Quinta Maio 10 12:13:07 BRT 2007

Oi pessoal.

Fiz um pequeno howto pra quem quiser implementar um firewall-bridge com vlan.
Eu coloquei o snort_inline na jogada, mas ele tem algumas limitacões.
É possivel usar snort apenas como IDS, evitando qualquer problema.

Fiz em inglês, com alguns erros é claro, mas se acharem legal, posso
refazer em portugues. Não testei suficientemente o Howto e o fiz de
memória. Está tudo funcionando bem por aqui, no entanto não fiz teste
de desempenho. Há um pequeno aumento de latencia apenas pelo fato de
usar a bridge, mas de resto não houve mudanca significativa.

Não vi nenhum howto para essa arquitetura, por isso estou postando. Se
estiver enganado, desculpem... :) Correcões tb são bem vindas!

O intúito do HOWTO é ser possivel controlar todas as portas do switch
com firewall e, possivelmente, com um IPS (ou um IDS). Ou seja, ao
final do howto, será possivel controlar toda a comunicacão da rede,
pois todas as maquinas poderão se comunicar apenas pelo
firewall-bridge. Elimina a necessidade de roving analisys port em
muitos dos casos, característica  presente apenas nos switches mais

Espero ajudar a alguém e, também, reunir mais usuários nessa
arquitetura, resolvendo possiveis problemas, como o do IPS descrito

Aristeu Gil Alves Jr


- Author: Aristeu Gil Alves Jr

Fist step - the switch

First you need to enable some VLANs on the switch. Of course, a
suitable switch that supports tagged VLAN is mandatory.

In this case, I will call "client port" any untagged port on any VLAN.
The "firewall port" will be a tagged port that will be present on all
VLANs. A client port can only access another client port through the
firewall port.

You'll need to make a VLAN to each client port of the switch, and the
firewall port will be
a member of those VLANs as a tagged port. For the firewall port,
prefer a Gigabit
port (or the highest bitrate port available) for traffic throughput
purposes. As said before, the client port of each VLAN will be set as
untagged, and the firewall port will be set as a tagged port.

For example, if you have a 26 port switch (24 ports 10/100mbps and 2
ports 1000mbps), you will choose 1 gigabit port for the firewall,
other gigabit port for switch interconnection, and the other 24 ports
will be setted for client connection. In my case, only for testing purposes
I used a cheep realtek NIC (rl0) and a 3Com Superstack 3 4228G switch,
but the only premise is to use a VLAN enabled switch and NIC (on the
firewall). So there would be 24 VLANs with two members (one gigabit
tagged port and one 10/100 mbps untagged port).

Second step - The firewall

The firewall SO chosen for this task is the FreeBSD 6.2. The first thing
you need to do is create the bridge and vlan ports on the firewall.
The easy way to do that is creating the entries on /boot/loader.conf,
/etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/rc.conf.

On /boot/loader.conf

# load the bridge modules
# load the ipdivert module

On /etc/rc.conf
# create the clone interfaces
clone_interfaces="bridge0 vlan0 vlan1 vlan2 vlan3 ..."
# bind the VLANs to the bridge
# bind the VLANs interfaces to the switch vlans
ifconfig_vlan0="vlan 1 vlandev rl0"
ifconfig_vlan1="vlan 2 vlandev rl0"
ifconfig_vlan2="vlan 3 vlandev rl0"
ifconfig_vlan3="vlan 4 vlandev rl0"
ifconfig_vlan4="vlan 5 vlandev rl0"
# Put an IP on the bridge interface and an default route going out on it.
# Without this snort_inline reinjection would be lost and it won't work!!
ifconfig_bridge0=" netmask 0xffffff00"
# Enable IPFW and PF checkings

On /etc/sysctl.conf
# Enable ipfw on bridge


Now the firewall and bridge are up and running. Put the rules you want
on rc.firewall and on pf.conf.

Third Step - The IPS

A quick installation of snort_rules from FreeBSD packages. You can use
the http://snort_inline.sourceforge.net site to download and install
the sources.

# pkg_add -r snort_inline

OK. Don't forget you have to edit /usr/local/etc/snort_inline.conf and
check the right location for things. Download the rules for 2.3 (the
version for the current FreeBSD snort_inline package).
Theres a small failure on the package, so we need to set a symbolic
link for the snort_inline binary.

# ln -s /usr/local/bin/snort_inline /usr/local/bin/snort

Set things up on rc.conf

# echo snort_enable=YES >> /etc/rc.conf
# echo snort_interfaces="bridge0" >> /etc/rc.conf

Start snort_inline.

# /usr/local/rc.d/snort start

Now, you need to add a divert rule on ipfw ruleset for packets to be
diverted to snort_inline divert socket.

ipfw add 1000 divert 8000 all from any to any

* the number 1000 is for the default rc.firewall/OPEN section. You
will need to include it on rc.firewall file.

wow! Now you have an FreeBSD bridge IPS on a VLAN environment.

*** ATTENTION: If you only need to use an IDS, just install snort and
make it listen on bridge0 interface.


- On the packet reinjection, snort changes the original source MAC to
the bridge MAC. Possible causes are on IPDIVERT (it works only on
network layer and don't passes link layer data). The network survives
this problem because the arp resolution goes to the right mac address, but it
makes impossible to make MAC-IP checkings on the servers, so do it on
the bridge firewall.

- The snort_inline packet reinjection depends on the network settings
for the bridge
interface, or else snort_inline (or the SO) won't know where to
deliver the packet.

- Despite the fact that it's easy to deploy, forget the complete
transparency when IPS comes the the scene, because it's possible to
check that there's something on the way. When working only with
firewall-bridge, the transparency can be kept.

- Using an IDS instead of an IPS, theres no limitation detected.


- O uso de bridge linux no controle de trafego entre sub-redes de uma
mesma rede lógica. Ricardo Kleber.
ftp://ftp.registro.br/pub/gts/gts07/05-filtrobridges.pdf (It's in

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