[FUG-BR] Squid 2.6

Thiago J. Ruiz thiagojruiz em gmail.com
Segunda Maio 28 20:56:21 BRT 2007

# vi /usr/ports/UPDATING

  AFFECTS: users of www/squid*
  AUTHOR: tmseck em netcologne.de

  The www/squid port has been updated to 2.6.  If you are updating from Squid
  2.5, please read the Squid release notes at
  and see whether you need to adapt your squid.conf to the changes described

  Squid 2.5 will be available as www/squid25 for next few months.  But note
  it's no longer being maintained by the Squid developers.


Em 28/05/07, Suprema Informática Ltda<suprema.info em supremasc.com.br> escreveu:
> Impressão minha, ou o ports do squid 2.6 foi removido
> /usr/ports/www/squid26
> Leandro
> -------------------------
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Thiago J. Ruiz

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