[FUG-BR] controlar banda e permitir emprestimo

Enio .'. Marconcini eniorm em gmail.com
Terça Setembro 13 10:26:15 BRT 2011

2011/9/12 Enio .'. Marconcini <eniorm em gmail.com>

> 2011/9/12 Alexandre Correa <alexandre em sabbath.com.br>
>> a ideia eh voce criar uma queue principal com 12mb... e dentro dela vc
>> criar
>> as filhas, de 3 e 9 mb.. com os parametros ...
> Sim, Alexandre, foi o que eu pensei, mas primeiro eu preciso ativar com o
> altq, e qual NIC eu indico
> altq on $nic?
> sendo que o link dividido sai cada parte por uma interface.... a dúvida é
> essa
> se fosse apenas duas interface (uma no router e outra na rede interna)
> bastaria um altq on $nic_interna cbq bandwidth 12Mb queue { rede1 rede2}
> não é mesmo?
> --
> @eniomarconcini <http://twitter.com/eniomarconcini>
> skype: eniorm
> facebook.com/eniomarconcini <http://www.facebook.com/eniomarconcini>
> *"UNIX was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things,
> as that would also stop them from doing clever things."
> *

Alexandre, o que acha?

# cat
nic_externa = "xl0"
nic_pref = "xl1"
nic_ig = "xl2"

table <prefeitura> persist { }
table <ig> persist { }

set skip on lo0

altq on $nic_externa cbq bandwidth 12Mb queue { pref_out, ig_out }
altq on $nic_pref cbq bandwidth 12Mb queue { pref_in, ig_in }
queue pref_out bandwidth 3Mb cbq(default, borrow, red)
queue ig_out bandwidth 9Mb cbq(borrow, red)
queue pref_in bandwidth 3Mb cbq(default, borrow, red)
queue ig_in bandwidth 9Mb cbq(borrow, red)

pass out quick on $nic_externa from <prefeitura> to any queue pref_out flags
S/SA modulate state
pass out quick on $nic_externa from <ig> to any queue ig_out flags S/SA
modulate state

pass out quick on $nic_pref from any to <prefeitura> queue pref_in flags
S/SA modulate state
pass out quick on $nic_ig from any to <ig> queue ig_in flags S/SA modulate

@eniomarconcini <http://twitter.com/eniomarconcini>
skype: eniorm
facebook.com/eniomarconcini <http://www.facebook.com/eniomarconcini>

*"UNIX was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things,
as that would also stop them from doing clever things."

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