[FUG-BR] CARP - Alta disponibilidade de ips /30

Alisson alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br
Terça Abril 17 18:16:02 BRT 2012

sim... voces tem alguma configuracao de master e slave?

nao estou entendendo como configurar no rc.conf e no freevrrpd.conf

veja abaixo

>*> ifconfig_em1="up"*
>*> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf*
>*> [VRID]*
>*> serverid = 1*
>*> interface = em1*
>*> priority = 101*
>*> addr =*
>*> password = vrid1*
>*> SLAVE*
>*> ifconfig_em1="up"*
>*> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf*
>*> [VRID]*
>*> serverid = 1*
>*> interface = em1*
>*> priority = 100*
>*> addr =*
>*> password = vrid1*

Em 17 de abril de 2012 16:53, Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br>escreveu:

> pessoal.
> voces tem alguma configuração do freevrrpd de um servidor master e um
> servidor slave?
> dessa vez ao iniciar o freevrrpd todas as interfaces ficaram caindo,
> parecia algum loop
> e aparecia essa mensagem
> interface is faulty deactivated from vrrp vrid
> Em 13 de abril de 2012 15:25, Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br>escreveu:
> Boa tarde Luiz Gustavo,
>> eu tenho uma interface em outra rede:
>> ifconfig_em0=""
>> Em 13 de abril de 2012 09:32, Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br>escreveu:
>> ok..
>>> eu nao estava entendendo como fazer as configurações no rc.conf
>>> ai ficou assim
>>> ifconfig_em1="up"
>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>> [VRID]
>>> serverid = 1
>>> interface = em1
>>> priority = 101
>>> addr =
>>> password = vrid1
>>> ifconfig_em1="up"
>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>> [VRID]
>>> serverid = 1
>>> interface = em1
>>> priority = 100
>>> addr =
>>> password = vrid1
>>> /var/log/messages
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2024]: launching daemon in background
>>> mode
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: initializing threads and all VRID
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: reading configuration file
>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: no IP address is configured on
>>> the real interface em1
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: cannot join multicast vrrp group
>>> without a real ip adress on em1
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: choose an IP address that is not
>>> used on any VRIDs and restart
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: you can set a private address
>>> for announcing VRRP packets (eg:
>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: exiting...
>>> Em 12 de abril de 2012 19:15, Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br>escreveu:
>>> ok..
>>>> eu nao estava entendendo como fazer as configurações no rc.conf
>>>> ai ficou assim
>>>> ifconfig_em1="up"
>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>> [VRID]
>>>> serverid = 1
>>>> interface = em1
>>>> priority = 101
>>>> addr =
>>>> password = vrid1
>>>> SLAVE
>>>> ifconfig_em1="up"
>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>> [VRID]
>>>> serverid = 1
>>>> interface = em1
>>>> priority = 100
>>>> addr =
>>>> password = vrid1
>>>> /var/log/messages
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2024]: launching daemon in background
>>>> mode
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: initializing threads and all
>>>> VRID
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: reading configuration file
>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: no IP address is configured on
>>>> the real interface em1
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: cannot join multicast vrrp
>>>> group without a real ip adress on em1
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: choose an IP address that is
>>>> not used on any VRIDs and restart
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: you can set a private address
>>>> for announcing VRRP packets (eg:
>>>> Apr 12 18:09:45 master freevrrpd[2025]: exiting...
>>>> Em 12 de abril de 2012 13:15, Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br>escreveu:
>>>>  seguindo a orientação de voces... fiz algumas alterações e instalei o
>>>>> freevrrp para os /30
>>>>> veja como ficou no rc.conf do MASTER
>>>>> ipv4_addrs_em0=""
>>>>> ipv4_addrs_em1=""
>>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>>> #MASTER
>>>>> [VRID]
>>>>> serverid = 1
>>>>> interface = em1
>>>>> priority = 101
>>>>> addr =
>>>>> password = vrid1
>>>>> veja como ficou no rc.conf do SLAVE
>>>>> ipv4_addrs_em0=""
>>>>> ipv4_addrs_em1=""
>>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>>> #SLAVE
>>>>> [VRID]
>>>>> serverid = 1
>>>>> interface = em1
>>>>> priority = 100
>>>>> addr =
>>>>> password = vrid1
>>>>> e veja o erro do messages
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: initializing threads and all
>>>>> VRID
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: reading configuration file
>>>>> /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: cannot create an eiface/ether
>>>>> netgraph interface: Address already in use
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master kernel: ngeth5: link state changed to UP
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master kernel: ngeth5: link state changed to DOWN
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: ng_ether.ko is probably not
>>>>> loaded, use kldload ng_ether.ko before running freevrrpd
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: cannot create a virtual
>>>>> interface via netgraph: Address already in use
>>>>> Apr 12 12:10:55 master freevrrpd[4490]: check that ng_socket,
>>>>> ng_ether, ng_eiface and ng_bridge are loaded
>>>>> Em 11 de abril de 2012 10:27, Luiz Gustavo <
>>>>> luizgustavo em luizgustavo.pro.br> escreveu:
>>>>> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 09:59:34 -0300
>>>>>> Alisson <alissongoncalves em bsd.com.br> wrote:
>>>>>> > isso que eu temia...
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > entao quer dizer que se voce entrega um /30 para fazer um ponto a
>>>>>> ponto
>>>>>> > para um cliente
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > voce tera que entregar um /29
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > nao tem outro jeito no FreeBSD?
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> [root em desktop] /usr/ports# cat net/freevrrpd/pkg-descr
>>>>>> freevrrpd is a VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol)
>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>> daemon under FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.
>>>>>> This daemon has been rewritten from scratch and is not based on
>>>>>> existing projects.  In this second public release, you can find:
>>>>>>       * A daemon RFC 2338 Compliant adapted on FreeBSD systems
>>>>>>       * Implementation of Virtual Adresses
>>>>>>       * Support for multiples VRID
>>>>>>       * Master announce state by sending multicast packets via BPF
>>>>>>       * Changing routes and IP in 3 seconds
>>>>>>       * Doing gratuitous ARP requests to clean the cache of all hosts
>>>>>>       * Election between different slave servers
>>>>>>       * Same host can be Slave and Master at the same time
>>>>>>       * Automatic Downgrade to Slave if a Master is up again
>>>>>>       * Anti-Address Conflict system
>>>>>>       * Multi-threaded vrrp daemon
>>>>>>       * Plain text password authentication
>>>>>>       * Using now only one BPF device for all VRID
>>>>>>       * Support netmask for Virtual IP addresses
>>>>>>       * Support for monitored circuit and dependances between VRIDs
>>>>>>       * Support for VLAN pseudo devices under *BSD
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Luiz Gustavo Costa (Powered by BSD)
>>>>>> *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+
>>>>>> mundoUnix - Consultoria em Software Livre
>>>>>> http://www.mundounix.com.br
>>>>>> ICQ: 2890831 / MSN: contato em mundounix.com.br
>>>>>> Tel: 55 (21) 4063-7110 / 8194-1905 / (11) 4063-0407
>>>>>> Blog: http://www.luizgustavo.pro.br

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