[FUG-BR] Dúvida mudança sistema de inicialização

Gustavo De Nardin (spuk) gustavodn em gmail.com
Quinta Fevereiro 19 12:16:05 BRST 2015

On Thursday, February 19, 2015, Celso Viana <celso.vianna at gmail.com> wrote:

> Daqui a pouco o systemd vai ser o próprio OS....!!!
> Quase isso. Citando http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/the-biggest-myths:

"""... Myth: systemd is a feature creep.

Well, systemd certainly covers more ground that it used to. It's not just
an init system anymore, but the basic userspace building block to build an
OS from, but we carefully make sure to keep most of the features optional.
You can turn a lot off at compile time, and even more at runtime. Thus you
can choose freely how much feature creeping you want. ..."""


> Celso Vianna
> BSD User: 51318
> http://www.bsdcounter.org
> Palmas/TO
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