Marcelo Gondim gondim em bsdinfo.com.br
Quinta Setembro 29 12:32:25 BRT 2016

Em 29/09/2016 08:42, Tiago Ribeiro escreveu:
>> Em 29 de set de 2016, à(s) 07:17, Renato Botelho <rbgarga em gmail.com> escreveu:
>>> On 28 Sep 2016, at 15:14, Rafael Aquino <rafael em lk6.com.br> wrote:
>>> OI, Pessoal,
>>> No site do BSD ainda não consta, mas no ftp oficial já tem ISO do 11-RELEASE.
>>> Fui baixar uma iso do 10.3 e vi a 11 lá.
> kkk, apressado come cru, já baixei a iso pq tenho um servidor a ser reinstalado
> nos próximos dias.
Previsão de anuncio para 05/10. Glen já deu um parecer:

Dear FreeBSD Community:

Although the FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE has not yet been officially announced,
many have found images on the Project FTP mirrors.

However, please be aware the final 11.0-RELEASE will be rebuilt and
republished on the Project mirrors as a result of a few last-minute
security fixes we feel are imperative to include in the final release.

FreeBSD users already running 11.0-RELEASE will be given instructions on
how to safely upgrade systems to the 11.0-RELEASE-p1 in the final
announcement email.  Those building from source code can obtain the
latest security updates from the releng/11.0 branch in Subversion:


As the FreeBSD Project strives to provide the best possible product, the
Release Engineering team decided to build an updated release to include
the fixes.  At present, we expect to have the final release available
Wednesday, October 3rd.  If you have not yet downloaded 11.0-RELEASE,
please wait for the official release announcement.

Thank you in advance for your patience waiting for 11.0-RELEASE, and of
course for understanding the reasons behind the updated release.


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