[FUG-BR] [Fwd: [FreeBSD-Announce] Volunteers needed to help maintain ports]

Renato Q. Todorov renato em jetsites.com.br
Quinta Maio 25 16:18:57 BRT 2006

Renato Botelho wrote:
> Ae Pessoal,
> Sealguém estiver afim de adotar um port orfão... A comunidade
> agradece... =)
> []s
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [FreeBSD-Announce] Volunteers needed to help maintain ports
> Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 19:30:37 -0400
> From: Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org>
> To: announce at FreeBSD.org
> Many of you no doubt make use of the FreeBSD Ports Collection for
> installing and managing third-party software.  What you may not know
> is that a lot of the ports in the Ports Collection have no assigned
> maintainer.  Unmaintained ports tend to lag behind the rest of the
> Ports Collection in the speed of updates to new versions, and in the
> overall quality of the port.  With nearly 15000 third-party
> applications in the Ports Collection, and dozens more added every week,
> there is an ever-present need for more volunteers to assist in
> maintaining ports.
> What is a Port Maintainer?  A Port Maintainer is a FreeBSD volunteer
> who donates some of their time to making sure a port is kept
> up-to-date and in good working order.  They are intermediaries between
> the FreeBSD user community and the third party developers of the
> software, and they help to ensure that the software runs optimally on
> FreeBSD systems.
> Maintaining a port or two is a great way to contribute to the FreeBSD
> project!
> Maintaining a port does require some familiarity with the Ports
> Collection and the workings of the software (at least at an
> operational level), but we have an excellent collection of
> documentation (the Porter's Handbook) that explains how to get
> started, and covers many of the more advanced points you may need to
> know.  And of course the ports community is available to answer your
> specific questions, via the ports at FreeBSD.org mailing list.
> The following document explains in more detail about what it means to
> be a Port Maintainer:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributing-ports/index.html
> and the Porter's Handbook may be found here:
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/index.html
> (translated versions are also available on the FreeBSD website).
> The following command may be used to list the ports that you have
> installed on your system that are currently unmaintained.  First make
> sure your INDEX file is up-to-date:
> # cd /usr/ports
> # make fetchindex
> Then run the following command (root privilege is not necessary):
> % sh -c 'cd /usr/ports; grep -F "`for o in \`pkg_info -qao\` ; \
> do echo "|/usr/ports/${o}|" ; done`" `make -V INDEXFILE` | \
> grep -i \|ports at freebsd.org\| | cut -f 2 -d \| '
> This will display a list of all ports that are unmaintained; you can
> then investigate each of the listed ports to see if you may be
> interested in maintaining one or more of them.  You might be surprised
> to learn that a software package you use and rely upon every day has
> no port maintainer!
> The "contibuting-ports" document referenced above explains what to do
> next.
> Thanks in advance,
> Kris
Ele so errou no comando.
"This will display a list of all ports that are unmaintained".
O correto na frase seria "This will display a list of all INSTALED ports 
that are unmaintained"
Ja que o comando so lista os ports que estao instalados no seu sistema, 
ou seja, aqueles que voce entrou no dir e deu make install (que viraram 
pacotes e portanto sao listados via pkg_info.
Alguem chuta como ficaria o comando correto?

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