[FUGSPBR] New cdboot ISO available (fwd)

Edson Brandi ebrandi.home em uol.com.br
Qui Jan 10 18:19:59 BRST 2002

Boa tarde

Apenas a titulo de informação acabei de testar agora o novo sistema de
boot em 4 maquinas e funcionou muito bem ... desde um arcaico Pentiu Pro
200, ate a minha maquina mais nova que roda com um Pentium III 800

Acho que o novo sistema vai emplacar :-)


On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Edson Brandi wrote:

> Bom dia
> Estou redirecionando a mensagem para a lista pois acho que seria
> importante testarmos o novo sistema do cdboot e dar um retorno ao Core.
> Eu vejo inumeras vantagens no novo sistema, mas a principal sera que não
> teremos mais uma limitação quanto ao tamanho do kernel ao gerarmos um CD
> bootavel, hoje por exemplo o kernel usado no liveCD esta limitado a 2.5
> Mb, e consequentemente nao tem suporte aos mesmos dispositivos que o
> kernel generico... Se o novo sistema funcionar, essa limitação vai deixar
> de ocorrer...
> [ ]'s Edson
>                                                    ,        ,
>    Edson Brandi                                   /(        )`
>    Consultor UNIX                                 \ \___   / |
>    Fone:   0XX11 96512996                         /- _  `-/  '
>            0XX11 32717325                        (/\/ \ \   /\
>    ICQ at  Home: 100503189                       / /   | `    \
>                                                  O O   ) /    |
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> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 01:59:47 -0800 (PST)
> From: John Baldwin <jhb em FreeBSD.ORG>
> To: stable em FreeBSD.ORG, qa em FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject: New cdboot ISO available
> A new experimental CD bootstrap was recently added to -stable for the i386
> architecture that allows the full contents of the CD to be used when booting.
> The method we currently uses relies on the BIOS emulating a floppy drive from a
> floppy image file on the CD.  This limits the size of the kernel that we can
> boot off of.  The new CD bootstrap allows a full GENERIC kernel to be used when
> booting off of a CD, allowing more drivers to work out of the box.  However,
> not all BIOS's that support the older method support this newer method of CD
> booting.
> The release engineering team would like feedback as to roughly how many
> machines do not work with the new bootstrap utility as well as how many
> machines do work.  If most machines work with the new bootstrap, then we may
> switch to using the new bootstrap on the release ISO images.
> Note that this only affects booting directly from the CD.  Booting from
> floppies and then installing off of the CD will work the same with both images.
> The cdboot image can be found at
> ftp://releng4.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/4.5-RC1-cdboot.iso
> The MD5 checksum of the image is:
> MD5 (4.5-RC1-cdboot.iso) = 294c50cdfe77f51b8224ae9679afeabf
> This new bootstrap utility is used on Windows NT 4, Windows ME, and Windows
> 2000 CD's (and probably Windows XP CD's), so if your system has a
> 'Designed for' sticker featuring one of those operating systems, it will
> probably work with cdboot.
> Please test this ISO and provide feedback to the -stable or -qa lists thanks.
> RC1 x86 cdboot Errata :
>   1. The kernel configuration tool USERCONFIG does not currently work on the
>      cdboot ISO.
>   Thanks!
>   - The FreeBSD 4.5 Release Engineering Team
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[ ]'s Edson
                                                   ,        ,
   Edson Brandi                                   /(        )`
   Consultor UNIX                                 \ \___   / |
   Fone:   0XX11 96512996                         /- _  `-/  '
           0XX11 32717325                        (/\/ \ \   /\
   ICQ at  Home: 100503189                       / /   | `    \
                                                 O O   ) /    |
---------------------------------------          `-^--'`<     '
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Transforme seu PC numa Workstation Unix.         `.___/`    /
 Visite http://www.primeirospassos.org            `-----' /
        http://www.fugspbr.org        <----.     __ / __   \
        http://livecd.fugspbr.org     <----|====O)))==) \) /====
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