[FUGSPBR] Cadastro de usuarios em banco de dados

Gustavo Lima dos Santos gustavobsb em yahoo.com
Seg Mar 4 14:07:53 BRT 2002

Acho que isso deva ajudar ...

Step 1: Configure MySQL
   The following inserts the root user and a sample user both with a
password of "secretpw". The password encryption is
   done via MySQL's ENCRYPT function. insert the following SQL:


   uid int(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   gid int(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
   last_name varchar(80) NOT NULL,
   first_name varchar(80) NOT NULL,
  login varchar(16) NOT NULL,
   date datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' NOT NULL,
   password varchar(16) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (uid),
   KEY uid (uid),
   UNIQUE uid_2 (uid)

   '0', '0', 'account', 'root', 'root',
   'NOW()', ENCRYPT('secretpw'),
   '', '', '', 'n', '', 'n', '', '0', ''

   '1', '1', 'account', 'sample', 'sample',
   'NOW()', ENCRYPT('secretpw'),
   '', '', '', 'n', '', 'n', '', '0', ''

Step 2: Configure PAM
   pam_mysql has the following configuration options available:(options in
parentheses are defaults)
     * user(nobody) -- The user with access to the open the connection to
mysql and has permission to read the table with
       the passwords.
     * passwd("") -- Password for the same.
     * host(localhost) -- Machine that is running the sql server
     * db(mysql) -- database that contents the table with the
user/password combos
     * table(user) -- table that you want to use for the user/password
     * usercolumn(User) -- column that has the username field
     * passwdcolumn(password) -- column that has the password field
     * crypt(0) -- Used to decide to use MySQL's PASSWORD() function or
        0 = No encryption. Passwords in database in plaintext. NOT
        1 = Use crypt
        2 = Use MySQL PASSWORD() function

 Append the following to your /etc/pam.conf file

samba auth     required    pam_mysql.so   user=root passwd=secretpw
 -> db=samba_auth table=users usercolumn=login crypt=1
samba account  required    pam_mysql.so   user=root passwd=secretpw
 -> db=samba_auth table=users usercolumn=login crypt=1
samba password required    pam_mysql.so   user=root passwd=secretpw
 -> db=samba_auth table=users usercolumn=login crypt=1
samba session  required    pam_mysql.so   user=root passwd=secretpw
 -> db=samba_auth table=users usercolumn=login crypt=1

  Step 3: Configure Samba
   the following is a sample smb.conf file

# Samba config file
# Date: 2000/11/13 12:31:50

# Global parameters
        workgroup = WORKGROUP-NAME
        server string = samba file services at WORKGROUP-NAME
        security = USER
        #must be set to 'no' to use PAM
        encrypt passwords = No
        update encrypted = No
        allow trusted domains = Yes
        min password length = 6
        null passwords = No
        revalidate = No
        valid users = sample
        writeable = Yes

        path = /www

     valid users = sample
        force group = http
        writeable = Yes

        path = /samba/public
        valid users = sample
        writeable = Yes
        guest ok = No

   Step 4: Test
   Make sure MySQL and Samba are running. If Samba was running before
restart it. Create a unix user called "sample" and
   login to that account. Use smbclient to test by doing the following:

% smbclient \\\\localhost\\sample

   smbclient will then ask for a password, use 'secretpw', or whatever you
made the password, then see if it works. You
   should be able to do an 'ls', 'mkdir', or 'cd' when you are in
smbclient. You should also test this out on a Windows
   machine to make sure it works. If you aren't using Windows NT or 2000
make sure you 'log-in' to the machine as

On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Thiago Lins wrote:

> eu acho que o caminho eh usando PAM
> da uma olhada la no pam.conf e ve esta linha
> login   auth    required        pam_unix.so
> da uma pesquisada sobre isto..
> >From: Sergio Guimaraes Faulhaber <serfau em artnet.com.br>
> >Reply-To: fugspbr em fugspbr.org
> >To: <fugspbr em fugspbr.org>
> >Subject: [FUGSPBR] Cadastro de usuarios em banco de dados
> >Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 16:19:32 -0300 (BRT)
> >
> >
> >Oi todos,
> >
> >Existe alguma ferramenta para a substituicao do arquivo master.passwd no
> >free?
> >
> >Explico, gostaria de fazer uns teste de modo que as informacoes
> >dos usuarios ficassem em um banco de dados ao inves do master.passwd.
> >Assim , ao tentar o telnet por exemplo, seria pedido login e senha
> >e esta verificacao seria feita no banco de dados, nao no master.passwd.
> >
> >Desde ja agradeco
> >
> >Sergio
> >
> >
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