[FUGSPBR] Tamanho do cache SQUID

Mauricio Goto freebsd-brasil em uol.com.br
Qua Mar 27 22:04:17 BRT 2002

What are the Q1 and Q2 parameters? 

In the source code, these are called magic1 and magic2. These numbers
refer to the number of oustanding requests on a message queue. They are
specified on the
cache_dir option line, after the L1 and L2 directories: 

cache_dir diskd /cache1 1024 16 256 Q1=72 Q2=64

If there are more than Q1 messages outstanding, then Squid will
intentionally fail to open disk files for reading and writing. This is a
load-shedding mechanism. If your
cache gets really really busy and the disks can not keep up, Squid
bypasses the disks until the load goes down again. 

If there are more than Q2 messages outstanding, then the main Squid
process ``blocks'' for a little bit until the diskd process services
some of the messages and sends
back some replies. 

Q1 should be larger than Q2. You want Squid to get to the ``blocking''
condition before it gets to the ``refuse to open files'' condition. 

Reasonable values for Q1 and Q2 are 72 and 64, respectively. 


>    Pessoal,
>    No howto da free.bsd.com.br, tem um topico que orienta
> na instalacao do squid com DISKD, fiz e funcionou
> pefeitamente.
>    No entanto minah duvida é quanto ao tamanho do cache
> que esta assim:
> cache_dir diskd /usr/local/squid/cache 256 16 256 Q1=64
> Q2=72
>  O tamanho eh 256M. Posso alterar o tamanho para 10G ?
> Vai alterar a performance ?
>  Ate mais,
>  Alfredo
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