[FUGSPBR] SMP e Polling (Era: OpenBSD/NetBSD/DragonFly)
Giovanni P. Tirloni
gpt em tirloni.org
Sex Out 22 12:14:34 BRT 2004
Patrick Tracanelli wrote:
> João Carlos Mendes Luís wrote:
>> Está rolando uma discussão sobre isso na -hackers, onde se discute
>> que isso é teórico, e que tem gente usando DEVICE_POLLING com SMP sem
>> problemas.
> Além do config "gritar" quando você tem ambos no kernel, quando eu
> forcei mante-los o sistema... adivinha? hehehe :P
Eu não acompanhei a -hackers esses dias mas na -performance falaram
disso também (talvez com cópia para lá).
Também já vi relatos de gente usando o polling com SMP sem
problemas. Agora não sei era antes de implementarem o KSE ou depois.
A mensagem abaixo parece bastante esclarecedora (se o autor estiver
correto). Vamos ver se o Luigi responde ela na lista.
Giovanni P. Tirloni
From: Jason Stone <freebsd-performance em dfmm.org>
To: freebsd-performance em freebsd.org
Cc: luigi em iet.unipi.it
Message-ID: <20041021133719.S79820 em walter>
Subject: Re: decreasing interrupt CPU load
> If you look at http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/polling, the last Q &
> A question suggests why it is disabled for SMP. It seems that
> polling only runs on one thread whereas an smp box might handle
> concurrently interupts from different devices.
> Can the scheduler move the thread to another cpu or is it locked on
> a particular cpu?
thanks for the pointer. it seems to me that the thread doing the
polling could move from cpu to cpu, but that's not the issue - the
issue, if I'm understanding the author, is that the polling thread
will always be a single thread, whereas if we use traditional
interrupts, they can be handled on multiple cpu's concurrently. so
interrupts, with multiple cpu's to handle them, might give much better
performance than a single polling thread.
if that's the only issue, then preventing one from compiling with both
SMP and DEVICE_POLLING doesn't seem necesary, since you can turn
polling on and off at runtime with sysctl's.
luigi: does that sound right to you? has any consideration been
giving to removing the restriction preventing DEVICE_POLLING from
building on an SMP system, in light of the fact that polling can just
be turned off if it's giving suboptimal performance?
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