[FUG-BR] Fwd: Re: Forbes Magazine on Linux and the BSDs. . .

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa em freebsdbrasil.com.br
Sex Jun 17 13:05:22 BRT 2005

Eu nao sei se o pessoal ta acompanhando o *estardalhaco* que a 
entrevista do Theo De Raadt ta fazendo por ai... ou se a maioria do 
pessoal aqui ja leu. Vale a pena ler, os motivos de cada um podem 
variar, pra mim valeu pela diversao e falta de nocao do Theo... (nao to 
dizendo que eu n concorde, mas sim q essa nao eh a melhor forma de 
mostrar BSD ao mundo... com tantas provocacoes...)


Segue um dos pensamentos que eu concordo, do Jan Schaumann. Enfim neh... 
pra quem gosta de granada de mao em posto de gasolina, vai se divertir.

Jan Schaumann wrote:
> George <george em sddi.net> wrote:
>>I personally think Theo's on the mark, and it's great publicity for BSDLand.
> I'm not so sure if this is really such great publicity.  In my
> experience, people who do not already know (in some detail) about BSD
> are easily turned off by overly aggressive and deragotive remarks
> regarding other OS.
> It would be easy for anybody to get the impression that _all_ BSD
> developers and -users are equally aggressive and insulting, and I for
> one would rather not be thrown into that melting pot.
> In general, I prefer *BSD to present itself in a friendly, open and
> mature matter that emphasizes it's strength, but doesn't insult or
> ridicule similar or competing products.
> -Jan

Patrick Tracanelli

FreeBSD Brasil LTDA.
The FreeBSD pt_BR Documentation Project
patrick @ freebsdbrasil.com.br
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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