[FUG-BR] problemas com altq HFSC no open 3.7

William David Armstrong biosystems em gmail.com
Ter Jun 21 01:09:40 BRT 2005

Boa noite

desculpe a lista da fugs pelo post ser para openbsd  mas  talvez alguém 
ja tenha passado por isso também.

Estou tentando implementar uma regra de AltQ com politicas em HFSC mas  
ele  esta me  retornando a seguinte msg de erro.

 nas versoes anteriores do openbsd não dava erro algum  mas na versão 
3.7 esta me retornando este erro.

vou detalhar minhas conifigurações para explicar de 1 so vez. =o)

este micro esta  rodando com uma bridge entre 3 placas de rede

brconfig bridge0
bridge0: flags=41<UP,RUNNING>
                priority 32768 hellotime 2 fwddelay 15 maxage 20
                wi0 flags=7<LEARNING,DISCOVER,BLOCKNONIP>
                        port 8 ifpriority 128 ifcost 55
                xl0 flags=7<LEARNING,DISCOVER,BLOCKNONIP>
                        port 1 ifpriority 128 ifcost 55
                ep0 flags=f<LEARNING,DISCOVER,BLOCKNONIP,STP>
                        port 2 ifpriority 128 ifcost 55 forwarding
        Addresses (max cache: 100, timeout: 240):
                00:00:b4:c4:18:99 xl0 0 flags=0<>
                00:e0:d0:13:bf:d1 ep0 1 flags=0<>
                00:a0:c9:e2:00:d9 xl0 1 flags=0<>
                00:07:95:d5:05:76 xl0 1 flags=0<>

[root em BeHoldeR] ~# ifconfig  wi0
        address: 00:02:2d:5e:8d:9c
        ieee80211: nwid LostSoul nwkey 0xXXXXXXXXXX -12dBm (auto)
        media: IEEE802.11 DS11 ibss-master
        status: active
        inet6 fe80::202:2dff:fe5e:8d9c%wi0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x8
[root em BeHoldeR] ~# ifconfig xl0
        address: 00:60:97:63:25:28
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
        status: active
        inet netmask 0xfffffff8 broadcast
        inet6 fe80::260:97ff:fe63:2528%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
[root em BeHoldeR] ~# ifconfig ep0
mtu 1500
        address: 00:20:af:58:ac:9d
        media: Ethernet 10baseT
        inet6 fe80::220:afff:fe58:ac9d%ep0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2

net.inet.ip.forwarding=1        # 1=Permit forwarding (routing) of packets
net.inet.tcp.rfc3390=1          # 1=Enable RFC3390 for TCP window increasing
net.inet.ipcomp.enable=1        # 1=Enable the IPCOMP protocol
net.inet.tcp.ecn=1              # 1=Enable the TCP ECN extension
kern.usercrypto=1               # 1=enable userland use of /dev/crypto
kern.splassert=2                # 2=enable and verbose error messages.

#       Interface Macros

int_if                  =               "{ xl0 }"
ext_if                  =               "{ ep0 }"

#       Bandwidth Macros

ext_bandwidth           =               "320Kb"
int_bandwidth           =               "608Kb"

#       Queue Definitions

#       HFSC    --01--

altq on $ext_if hfsc bandwidth $ext_bandwidth                   \
        queue {std_out, tcp_ack_out, dns_out, ssh_out, www_out, mail_out}

        queue   std_out hfsc                                    \
                (default linkshare      (5% 20000 20%)          \
                upperlimit              (10% 20000 30%))

        queue   tcp_ack_out hfsc                                \
                (realtime               (20% 5000 5%)           \
                upperlimit              (30% 5000 5%)           \
                linkshare               (25% 5000 5%))

        queue   dns_out hfsc                                    \
                (realtime               (10% 5000 5%)           \
                upperlimit              (20% 5000 15%)          \
                linkshare               (15% 5000 10%))

        queue   ssh_out hfsc                                    \
                (upperlimit             (30% 5000 40%)          \
                linkshare               (20% 5000 30%))

        queue   www_out hfsc                                    \
                (realtime               (20% 5000 10%)          \
                upperlimit              (40% 5000 30%)          \
                linkshare               (30% 5000 20%))

        queue   mail_out hfsc                                   \
                (upperlimit             (15% 5000 20%)          \
                linkshare               (10% 5000 15%))

altq on $int_if                                                 \
       hfsc bandwidth $int_bandwidth                            \
       queue { std_in, dns_in, ssh_in, mail_in, www_in }

       queue    std_in hfsc                                     \
                (default realtime       (15% 20000 5%)          \
                linkshare               (20% 20000 20%)         \
                upperlimit              (30% 20000 20%))

       queue    dns_in hfsc                                     \
                (realtime               (15% 5000 5%)           \
                linkshare               (20% 5000 10%)          \
                upperlimit              (30% 5000 20%))

       queue    ssh_in hfsc                                     \
                (linkshare              (30% 5000 40%)          \
                upperlimit              (40% 5000 60%))

       queue    www_in hfsc                                     \
                (realtime               (20% 5000 20%)          \
                linkshare               (20% 5000 15%)          \
                upperlimit              (40% 5000 30%))

       queue    mail_in hfsc                                    \
                (realtime               (20% 5000 5%)           \
                linkshare               (10% 5000 15%)          \
                upperlimit              (40% 5000 30%))

[root em BeHoldeR] ~# pfctl -n -f altq
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_ep0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_ep0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_ep0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_ep0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_ep0"
pfctl: linkshare sc exceeds parent's sc
altq:57: errors in queue definition
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_xl0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_xl0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_xl0"
pfctl: the sum of the child bandwidth higher than parent "root_xl0"
[root em BeHoldeR] ~# uname -a
OpenBSD BeHoldeR.biosystems.ath.cx 3.7 FiorinaFury161#0 i386

OpenBSD 3.7-stable (FiorinaFury161) #0: Wed Jun 15 02:30:19 BRT 2005
root em BeHoldeR.biosystems.ath.cx:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/FiorinaFury161
cpu0: Intel Pentium/MMX ("GenuineIntel" 586-class) 167 MHz
cpu0: F00F bug workaround installed
real mem  = 66691072 (65128K)
avail mem = 56512512 (55188K)
using 839 buffers containing 3436544 bytes (3356K) of memory
mainbus0 (root)

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