[FUG-BR] Patch para horário de verão.

Eduardo Alvarenga eduardo.alvarenga em gmail.com
Quinta Outubro 5 12:12:54 BRT 2006


Abaixo patch que implemente corretamente o horário de verão.
Agradeço ao Rodrigo Severo pela contribuição:

Index: southamerica
RCS file: /cvs/src/share/zoneinfo/datfiles/southamerica,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 southamerica
--- southamerica        18 Feb 2006 19:47:24 -0000      1.22
+++ southamerica        5 Oct 2006 15:11:11 -0000
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
 # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3916.gif">3,916</a>
 # (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
 Rule   Brazil  2000    2001    -       Oct     Sun>=8   0:00   1:00    S
-Rule   Brazil  2001    max     -       Feb     Sun>=15  0:00   0       -
+Rule   Brazil  2001    2006    -       Feb     Sun>=15  0:00   0       -
 # Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
 # <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2002/D4399.htm"></a>
 Rule   Brazil  2002    only    -       Nov      3       0:00   1:00    S
@@ -563,12 +563,17 @@
 Rule   Brazil  2004    only    -       Nov      2       0:00   1:00    S
 # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV5539.gif">5,539</a> (2005-09-19),
 # adopted by the same states as before.
-Rule   Brazil  2005    max     -       Oct     Sun>=15  0:00   1:00    S
-# The latest ruleset listed above says that the following states observe DST:
+Rule   Brazil  2005    only    -       Oct     Sun>=15  0:00   1:00    S
+# Decree <a href="http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2006/Decreto/D5920.htm"></a>
+# adpted by the same states as before.
+Rule  Brazil  2006  only  - Nov        5   0:00 1:00  S
+Rule  Brazil  2007  only  - Feb 25  0:00 0 -
+# The following ruleset says that the following states observe DST:
 # DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP.
-# For dates after mid-2006, the above rules with TO="max" are guesses
+# For dates after mid-2007, the above rules with TO="max" are guesses
 # and are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.
+Rule  Brazil  2007  max  - Oct Sun>=15  0:00 1:00  S
+Rule  Brazil  2008  max  - Feb Sun>=15  0:00 0 -

 # Zone NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]

Esse foi feito em um OpenBSD-4.0, porém deve aplicar corretamente em
FreeBSD já que o arquivo é o mesmo. Após isso, lembre-se de executar o
make/make install.

[Commiters]: Por favor façam valer na árvore do FreeBSD, eu já mandei
pro OpenBSD :P

Grande abraço,

Eduardo Alvarenga

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