[FUG-BR] Dúvida ports.

Giancarlo Rubio giancarlo.rubio em pucpr.br
Segunda Setembro 25 06:48:14 BRT 2006

On Fri, 2006-09-22 at 21:38 -0300, k2flag wrote:
> Ta certa essa dica ? Mesmo não sendo devel do free tenho que ter esses ports ?
Sim pois muitos ports utilizam dependencias como autoconf, bison..etcc

Em vez de atualizar por csup utilize portsnap..muito mais rápido e fácil
http://www.fug.com.br/content/view/46/77/ parte 2

> Depois posso fazer rm -r /usr/ports ?
> Segue abaixo o meu.
> # $FreeBSD: src/share/examples/cvsup/cvs-supfile,v 1.43 2004/05/24
> 06:23:15 cjc Exp $
> #
> # This file contains all of the "CVSup collections" that make up the
> # CVS development tree of the FreeBSD system.
> #
> # CVSup (CVS Update Protocol) allows you to download the latest CVS
> # tree (or any branch of development therefrom) to your system easily
> # and efficiently (far more so than with sup, which CVSup is aimed
> # at replacing).  If you're running CVSup interactively, and are
> # currently using an X display server, you should run CVSup as follows
> # to keep your CVS tree up-to-date:
> #
> #	cvsup cvs-supfile
> #
> # If not running X, or invoking cvsup from a non-interactive script, then
> # run it as follows:
> #
> #	cvsup -g -L 2 cvs-supfile
> #
> # You may wish to change some of the settings in this file to better
> # suit your system:
> #
> # host=CHANGE_THIS.FreeBSD.org
> #		This specifies the server host which will supply the
> #		file updates.  You must change it to one of the CVSup
> #		mirror sites listed in the FreeBSD Handbook at
> #		http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.
> #		You can	override this setting on the command line
> #		with cvsup's "-h host" option.
> #
> # base=/var/db
> #		This specifies the root where CVSup will store information
> #		about the collections you have transferred to your system.
> #		A setting of "/var/db" will generate this information in
> #		/var/db/sup.  Even if you are CVSupping a large number of
> #		collections, you will be hard pressed to generate more than
> #		~1MB of data in this directory.  You can override the
> #		"base" setting on the command line with cvsup's "-b base"
> #		option.  This directory must exist in order to run CVSup.
> #
> # prefix=/home/ncvs
> #		This specifies where to place the requested files.  A
> #		setting of "/home/ncvs" will place all of the files
> #		requested in /home/ncvs (e.g., "/home/ncvs/src/bin",
> #		"/home/ncvs/ports/archivers").  The prefix directory
> #		must exist in order to run CVSup.
> # Defaults that apply to all the collections
> #
> # IMPORTANT: Change the next line to use one of the CVSup mirror sites
> # listed at http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.
> *default host=cvsup.br.FreeBSD.org
> *default base=/var/db
> *default prefix=/usr/ncvs
> *default release=cvs
> *default delete use-rel-suffix
> # If you seem to be limited by CPU rather than network or disk bandwidth, try
> # commenting out the following line.  (Normally, today's CPUs are fast enough
> # that you want to run compression.)
> *default compress
> ## Main Source Tree.
> #
> # The easiest way to get the main source tree is to use the "src-all"
> # mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "src-*" collections.
> #src-all
> # These are the individual collections that make up "src-all".  If you
> # use these, be sure to comment out "src-all" above.
> src-base
> src-bin
> src-contrib
> src-etc
> #src-games
> src-gnu
> src-include
> src-kerberos5
> src-kerberosIV
> src-lib
> src-libexec
> src-release
> src-sbin
> src-share
> src-sys
> src-tools
> src-usrbin
> src-usrsbin
> # These are the individual collections that make up FreeBSD's crypto
> # collection. They are no longer export-restricted and are a part of
> # src-all
> #src-crypto
> #src-eBones
> #src-secure
> #src-sys-crypto
> ## Ports Collection.
> #
> # The easiest way to get the ports tree is to use the "ports-all"
> # mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "ports-*"
> # collections,
> ports-all
> # These are the individual collections that make up "ports-all".  If you
> # use these, be sure to comment out "ports-all" above and always include
> # "ports-base" if you use any of the other individual collections below.
> # Your ports may not build correctly without an up-to-date "ports-base".
> #
> #ports-base
> #
> ports-accessibility
> #ports-arabic
> ports-archivers
> ports-astro
> ports-audio
> #ports-benchmarks
> #ports-biology
> #ports-cad
> #ports-chinese
> ports-comms
> ports-converters
> ports-databases
> ports-deskutils
> ports-devel
> ports-dns
> ports-editors
> ports-emulators
> ports-finance
> #ports-french
> ports-ftp
> #ports-games
> #ports-german
> ports-graphics
> #ports-hebrew
> #ports-hungarian
> ports-irc
> #ports-japanese
> #ports-java
> #ports-korean
> ports-lang
> ports-mail
> ports-math
> ports-mbone
> ports-misc
> ports-multimedia
> ports-net
> ports-net-mgmt
> ports-news
> #ports-palm
> ports-picobsd
> ports-polish
> ports-portuguese
> #ports-print
> #ports-russian
> ports-science
> ports-security
> ports-shells
> ports-sysutils
> ports-textproc
> #ports-ukrainian
> #ports-vietnamese
> ports-www
> ports-x11
> ports-x11-clocks
> ports-x11-fm
> ports-x11-fonts
> ports-x11-servers
> ports-x11-themes
> ports-x11-toolkits
> ports-x11-wm
> ## Documentation
> #
> # The easiest way to get the doc tree is to use the "doc-all"
> # mega-collection.  It includes all of the individual "doc-*"
> # collections,
> #doc-all
> ## Website
> #
> # This collection retrieves the www tree of the FreeBSD
> # repository
> www
> ## CVSROOT control files
> #
> # This is to get the control files that cvs(1) needs and the commit logs.
> #cvsroot-all
> # These are the individual collections that make up "cvsroot-all"  If you
> # use these, be sure to comment out "cvsroot-all" above.  "cvsroot-common"
> # is a synthetic CVSROOT that has all the modules from the other CVSROOT-*
> # directories merged into one, and merged commitlogs via symlinks.
> cvsroot-common
> cvsroot-src
> cvsroot-ports
> #cvsroot-doc
> -------------------------
> Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
> Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd
Freebsd-BR User #88
Giancarlo Rubio

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