[FUG-BR] Erro ao atualizar o libxml2

Cristina Fernandes Silva cristinafs.listas em gmail.com
Segunda Julho 20 12:21:26 BRT 2009

Estou tentando atualizar via portupgrade o libxml2, o mesmo acursa através
do portaudit vulnerabilidade.

Affected package: libxml2-2.6.32_1
Type of problem: libxml2 -- multiple vulnerabilities.
Reference: <http://www.FreeBSD.org/ports/portaudit/f1e0164e-b67b-11dd-a55e-00163e000016.html>

Só que provoca erro.

[root em ns2 /etc/rc.d]# portupgrade -R libxml2
[Gathering depends for textproc/libxml2 ........ done]
[Exclude up-to-date packages ..... done]
** Stale lock file was found. Removed.
--->  Upgrading 'libxml2-2.6.32_1' to 'libxml2-2.7.3' (textproc/libxml2)
--->  Building '/usr/ports/textproc/libxml2'
=> libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/gnome2.
=> Attempting to fetch from ftp://fr.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/.
fetch: ftp://fr.rpmfind.net/pub/libxml/libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz: Permission denied
=> Attempting to fetch from ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/libxml/.
fetch: ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/pub/libxml/libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz: Permission denied
=> Attempting to fetch from ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/.
fetch: ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz: Permission denied
=> Attempting to fetch from
fetch: ftp://ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/gnome2/libxml2-2.7.3.tar.gz:
No route to host
** Command failed [exit code 1]: /usr/bin/script -qa
/tmp/portupgrade20090720-62468-48m1sl-0 env UPGRADE_TOOL=portupgrade
UPGRADE_PORT=libxml2-2.6.32_1 UPGRADE_PORT_VER=2.6.32_1 make
** Fix the problem and try again.
** Listing the failed packages (-:ignored / *:skipped / !:failed)
        ! textproc/libxml2 (libxml2-2.6.32_1)   (permission denied)

Será que ainda não foi corrigida ?


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