[FUG-BR] [OT] Interessante - SecurityTubeCon
Luiz Gustavo S. Costa
luizgustavo em luizgustavo.pro.br
Quarta Setembro 16 16:14:12 BRT 2009
poderiamos fazer algo semelhante aqui no Brasil né ... uma conferencia
on-line.. ia ser bem interessante...
2009/9/16 Leandro Quibem Magnabosco <leandro.magnabosco em fcdl-sc.org.br>:
> A quem possa interessar,
> Vivek Ramachandran escreveu:
> Dear All,
> SecurityTube.net is pleased to announce the CFP for SecurityTubeCon,
> the first hacker conference, to be held completely online!
> SecurityTubeCon is aimed at democratizing hacker conferences by
> allowing any researcher, regardless of his physical location, to
> share his work with the community. Unlike other Cons we will not
> *accept / reject* speakers. If you have something interesting to
> share, you WILL be heard. The idea behind SecurityTubeCon is not to
> pass judgments on your work, instead, it aims at providing a
> platform for knowledge exchange.
> Once speakers send in their talk abstracts, we will put it online
> for the community members to decide which talks they want to attend.
> On the day of the conference, speakers will broadcast their talks
> using screencasting software and the interested participants will
> tune in. The participants will use IRC / chat rooms to ask questions
> to the speakers during the talks.
> What else is unique about SecurityTubeCon?
> a. This conference will be held completely online!
> b. Location No Barrier - speak / attend SecurityTubeCon from your
> bedroom :)
> c. Language No Barrier - though we would recommend English as the
> preferred language so you can address a global audience, feel free
> to speak in the language you are most comfortable with
> d. $0 is the conference registration fees - absolutely free
> For the CFP and other details please visit the conference site at
> [1]http://www.securitytubecon.org
> Here is a quick summary of the CFP in an FAQ format:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 1. When and Where will SecurityTubeCon be held?
> Venue: Cyberspace
> Dates: 6th, 7th and 8th November, 2009
> 2. How will it all work?
> a. Interested speakers will send us their talk details
> a. We will post the list of speakers and abstracts online
> b. Participants will register for talks and will receive webinar
> invitations
> c. Speakers will broadcast their talks using screencasting / web
> conferencing software and invited participants will join in
> d. The participants will use IRC / Chat rooms to ask questions to
> the speakers during the talks
> 3. Are there any requirements to become a speaker?
> Just two:
> 1. You should know what you are talking about :)
> 2. You will need to submit a video recording of your entire talk
> before the deadline. This will ensure that participants have
> something to watch in case there is a last minute technical issue or
> some other problem. These videos will be made available absolutely
> free to everyone a week after the conference.
> 4. Awesome! I want to register as a speaker! How do I apply?
> To Become a Speaker at SecurityTubeCon, please follow the following
> steps:
> a. Send an email to [2]submissions em securitytubecon.org containing
> the following information:
> I. Talk Title
> II. Abstract: Minimum 250 words
> III. Language in which talk will be delivered in
> IV. Desired Duration: 15 mins / 30 mins / 60 mins?
> V. Speaker Names with Email addresses
> VI. Speaker Bios: As detailed as possible
> b. Once we receive your email, we will post your talk online and
> send you a confirmation
> c. You will need to submit the presentation, tools, other relevant
> material and a video of the entire talk by October 20th, 2009. We
> will send you the details on where to upload via email.
> d. If the material mentioned in (c) is not received by the deadline,
> your talk will be removed from the website
> e. For any additional questions, please contact us at
> [3]submissions em securitytubecon.org
> 5. How long can a talk be?
> 15 mins, 30 mins and 60 mins talk slots are available
> 6. What are the Deadlines?
> 1. Deadline to Submit Abstracts: October 10th, 2009
> 2. Deadline to submit the full presentation and video: October 20th,
> 2009
> 3. Conference Dates: 6th, 7th and 8th November
> 7. What kind of talks will be accepted at SecurityTubeCon?
> Very broadly, there will be 4 tracks in SecurityTubeCon:
> a. Research Track: Show your bleeding edge research and zero days
> here
> b. Tutorials Track: In-depth Tutorials on security technologies can
> be given here by domain experts
> c. Tool Demos: Demonstration of new and cutting edge tools by their
> original authors
> d. Security Product Demos: Demos of state of the art security
> products by companies and organizations
> Topics can belong to a broad spectrum, here are a couple (neither
> exhaustive nor limited to):
> a. Protocol / Application based vulnerability in networks and
> computers
> b. Firewall Evasion techniques
> c. Intrusion detection/prevention
> d. Data Recovery and Incident Response
> e. Mobile Security (cellular technologies)
> f. Virus and Worms
> g. WLAN and Bluetooth Security
> h. Analysis of malicious code
> i. Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
> j. Computer forensics
> k. Cyber Crime & law
> .....
> 8. How can I help?
> a. Please forward this CFP link / email to your friends in the
> security / hacking community
> b. Send this CFP to any mailing lists related to security
> c. Post a link to the conference website on forums, discussion
> groups you frequent
> d. Particpate either as a Speaker or as an Attendee :)
> 9. I have a question? Need more info?
> Write to us at [4]info em securitytubecon.org
> -----------------------------------------
> Hoping that all of you will attend and participate!
> Cheers!
> Vivek Ramachandran
> [5]http://www.securitytube.net
> Seria super interessante ter pesquisadores brasileiros apresentando
> artigos.
> Enviem a quem possa interessar.
> --
> [cid:part1.08010806.09090507 em fcdl-sc.org.br]
> Leandro Quibem Magnabosco
> Consultor de TI
> (48) 3251-5323
> [6]leandro.magnabosco em fcdl-sc.org.br
> [7]www.fcdl-sc.org.br
> Rua: Rafael Bandeira, 41
> CEP. 88015-450 Florianópolis - SC
> "Este é um e-mail oriundo da Federação das Câmaras de Dirigentes
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> repassado,no todo ou em parte, a terceiros. Se esta mensagem foi-lhe
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> This is an e-mail from the Federação das Câmaras de Dirigentes Lojistas
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> References
> 1. http://www.securitytubecon.org/
> 2. mailto:submissions em securitytubecon.org
> 3. mailto:submissions em securitytubecon.org
> 4. mailto:info em securitytubecon.org
> 5. http://www.securitytube.net/
> 6. mailto:leandro.magnabosco em fcdl-sc.org.br
> 7. http://www.fcdl-sc.org.br/
> -------------------------
> Histórico: http://www.fug.com.br/historico/html/freebsd/
> Sair da lista: https://www.fug.com.br/mailman/listinfo/freebsd
Luiz Gustavo Costa
mundoUnix - Consultoria em Software Livre
ICQ: 2890831 / MSN: contato em mundounix.com.br
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