[FUG-BR] Apache24 e PHP55

Ricardo Campos Passanezi riccp em ige.unicamp.br
Sexta Setembro 19 16:51:23 BRT 2014

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 04:46:55PM -0300, joao jamaicabsd wrote:
> *Boa tarde a todos. Estou até com vergonha de pedir ajuda nisso, mas estou
> me quebrando a uns dias, já lí todos os fóruns e ainda não consegui, mas
> vamos lá:*
> *Ao abrir uma página em php , o phpinfo() por exemplo me vem um arquivo pra
> baixar, sendo que todos os pacotes pra rodar o php estão instalados: *

Você tem de instalar o "/usr/ports/www/mod_php55".


  AFFECTS: users of lang/php5 and lang/php55 with Apache module
  AUTHOR: ale at FreeBSD.org

  The Apache PHP module has been separated from the main PHP port.
  If you had the APACHE OPTION selected, you have to perform the
  following steps:

  1) update your lang/php* options (i.e. 'make config')
  2) rebuild lang/php* port
  3) install www/mod_php* port

  It is *mandatory* to build both ports with the same DEBUG and ZTS
  options, so if you have a threaded Apache (i.e. worker or event MPM)
  you have to select the ZTS option in lang/php* port.

> * # pkg info | grep php*
> php55-5.5.16                   PHP Scripting Language
> php55-ctype-5.5.16             The ctype shared extension for php
> php55-dom-5.5.16               The dom shared extension for php
> php55-extensions-1.8           "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
> php55-filter-5.5.16            The filter shared extension for php
> php55-gd-5.5.16                The gd shared extension for php
> php55-hash-5.5.16              The hash shared extension for php
> php55-iconv-5.5.16             The iconv shared extension for php
> php55-json-5.5.16              The json shared extension for php
> php55-mysql-5.5.16             The mysql shared extension for php
> php55-opcache-5.5.16           The opcache shared extension for php
> php55-pdo-5.5.16               The pdo shared extension for php
> php55-pdo_sqlite-5.5.16_1      The pdo_sqlite shared extension for php
> php55-phar-5.5.16              The phar shared extension for php
> php55-posix-5.5.16             The posix shared extension for php
> php55-session-5.5.16           The session shared extension for php
> php55-simplexml-5.5.16         The simplexml shared extension for php
> php55-sqlite3-5.5.16_1         The sqlite3 shared extension for php
> php55-tokenizer-5.5.16         The tokenizer shared extension for php
> php55-xml-5.5.16               The xml shared extension for php
> php55-xmlreader-5.5.16         The xmlreader shared extension for php
> php55-xmlwriter-5.5.16         The xmlwriter shared extension for php
> *Inseri as linhas no httpd.conf:*
> LoadModule php5_module        libexec/apache24/libphp5.so
> DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
> AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> *Fiz as alterações no php.ini*
>  register_globals=On
> register_long_array=On
> extension=mysql.so
> extension=gd.so
> extension=mcrypt.so
> *E mesmo assim ainda continua dando o problema. Se alguém puder me ajudar
> eu agradeço.*
> *Até!*
> -- 
> E-mail: jamaicabsd at gmail.com
> Aux Suporte de Sistemas (UNISUL)
> E-mail: joao.maykon at unisul.br
> MSN: joaomaykonm at hotmail.com
> Cel: (48) 9144 2326
> -------------------------
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Ricardo Campos Passanezi

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